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To-day I find him dried and ready for the insect-pin and the cabinet on the window-sill beneath the web, which affords at all times its liberal entomological assortment Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Lepidoptera. Many are the rare specimens which I have picked from these charnel remnants of my spider net. Ah, hark! "Waiow!

My impression, when I saw it first, was that it was as large as the man had been, and that it was, in some way, standing up on end, the legs towards me. But, the moment it came in view, it began to dwindle, and that so rapidly that, in a couple of seconds at most, a little heap of drapery was lying on the floor, on which was a truly astonishing example of the coleoptera.

I was disappointed in the general aspect of the Coleoptera. The number of minute and obscurely coloured beetles is exceedingly great. Among these, there were only two of the Carabidae, four Brachelytra, fifteen Rhyncophora, and fourteen of the Chrysomelidae. It is sufficient to disturb the composure of an entomologist's mind, to look forward to the future dimensions of a complete catalogue.

Nevertheless, the power of stridulating is certainly a sexual character in some few Coleoptera. Mr.

Among the coleoptera, the Stachylinus is a rarity: the white-winged Cicindela nivea of Kirby is to be found in great abundance on the sand of the beach, which is of the same colour as itself; the Cic. nodicornis and angusticollis Dej. on the other hand, frequent the paths in the forests. Cosnania, which supplies the place of our Elaphrus, is found among the grass by the side of brooks.

Oh, yes, yes, well enough, came from South America with the beetle there; look at him! These Lepidoptera are for children to play with, pretty to look at, so some think. Give me the Coleoptera, and the kings of the Coleoptera are the beetles! Lepidoptera and Neuroptera for little folks; Coleopteras for men, sir!

I followed one of these Coleoptera for more than five metres from the place where his labour began. After having deposited his ball he began to dig up the earth around it; but the mules had returned and I was obliged to depart. J. H. Fabre, Souvenirs entomologiques, 1879. In captivity also, as Mrs. Brightwen found, the Scarabæus always attempts to bury its ball in the earth.

He moved forwards with the beasts and, after destroying a considerable tract of stone wall, procured a few specimens of native coleoptera, which he carefully wrapped up in a piece of paper. I followed slowly. Unfortunately for him, that particular doctor happened to be an americana a snappy little fellow, lately returned from the States.

What would be the use of accumulating materials which one could not have time to work up? I trust your brother may give us a grand and complete work on the Coleoptera of the Amazon Valley, if not of all South America.... Yours faithfully, October 6, 1858.

Almost all the living families of Coleoptera are represented, but, as we might have anticipated from the preponderance of arborescent and ligneous plants, the wood-eating beetles play the most conspicuous part, the Buprestidae and other long-horned beetles being particularly abundant. Harpactor maculipes, Heer.