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I worked very hard every hour of fine weather, and daily obtained a number of new species. Every dead tree and fallen log was searched and searched again; and among the dry and rotting leaves, which still hung on certain trees which had been cut down, I found an abundant harvest of minute Coleoptera.

I have already spoken of this bird and of his custom in days of abundance of spitting on thorns all the captures he has made. One may see side by side Coleoptera, crickets, grasshoppers, frogs, and small birds. It is evident that these reserves cannot be preserved for more than a day, or at most two days.

The entomologist, who confines himself rigidly to the study of the coleoptera, is intended to typify this class. The subdivision of labor, which, as we used to be told, required fourteen different workmen to make a single pin, has reached all branches of knowledge.

Le Conte are you engaged now in the study of Coleoptera? The slate was then placed below the table, and, after the Medium had been observed to glance at it repeatedly, as in the case of former exhibitions of this kind, the slate was finally reproduced with this answer written upon it, 'Dr. L.C. is not present.

It passes upward, says the Reverend P.B. Brodie, into a shale containing Cypris and Estheria, and is full of the wing-cases of several genera of Coleoptera, with some nearly entire beetles, of which the eyes are preserved.

The fixing on a residence for the rest of your life is an important event, and I am not likely to be in a very settled frame of mind for some time. I am answering A. Murray's Geographical Distribution of Coleoptera for my Entomological Society Presidential Address, and am printing a second edition of my "Essays," with a few notes and additions. Holly House, Barking, E. January 27, 1871.

Westring, on the stridulation of males of Theridion; on the stridulation of Reduvius personatus; on the stridulation of beetles; on the stridulation of Omaloplia brunnea; on the stridulating organs of the Coleoptera; on sounds produced by Cychrus. Westropp, H.M., on reason in a bear; on the prevalence of certain forms of ornamentation.

Had he not made preparations of the very coleoptera the Scarabee studied so exclusively, preparations which the illustrious Swammerdam would not have been ashamed of, and dissected a melolontha as exquisitely as Strauss Durckheim himself ever did it? The little dried-up specialist did not dilate into fighting dimensions as perhaps, again the Master may have thought he would.