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Being a warm admirer of the catbird, I noticed the stranger first for the resemblance; but a few moments' study of his look and manner drew me strongly to himself, and though I desired only our native birds, I could not resist him. When introduced to his new quarters in my house, the clarin did not flutter; he did not resist.

"Well, you understand, I wan't on the best of tarms wi' old Hick Holt, an' couldn't go to his clarin'. Besides after what had happened. I didn't like to go near Marian anyhow leastway for a while. I thort it would blow over 's soon's she'd find out that E war only jokin' wi' the Injun." "So one would have supposed."

Coiled up in a corner on the deck was a bundle of something which stirred as they came near to it, and began to turn over, making the stranger start with a slight exclamation. "Doan you be skeert, sar," the boy said, "dat's nottin' but Mandy Ann, an onery nigger what b'longs to ole Miss Harris in de clarin' up ter Ent'prise.

Lane, as many as eleven hundred packages of private furniture to be transferred to Miramar, Maximilian's home; and Lieutenant Clarin, of the French navy, who visited the Susquehanna from the French commodore, Clouet, told me, without reserve, that, if we had delayed eight days more, we would have found Maximilian gone.

It's clur enuf: ye'll acknowledge that, won't ye?" "No," I replied in a firm voice. "Ye won't? The hell, ye won't? Look hyur, stranger! I'm in airnest. Look in my eye, an' see if I ain't! I gi' ye warnin' then, that ef ye're not out o' this clarin' in six jumps o' a squ'll, you'll niver go out o' it a livin' man. You see that ere stump?