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Then Caius Fabricius came in embassy from the Romans to treat about the prisoners that were taken, one whom Cineas had reported to be a man of highest consideration among them as an honest man and a good soldier, but extremely poor.

Cineas was sent as ambassador to conduct this negotiation. He conversed with the leading men of Rome, and offered their wives and children presents from the King. No one, however, would accept them, but they all, men and women alike, replied that if peace were publicly concluded with the King, they would then have no objection to regard him as a friend.

In the memory of our fathers, Pyrrhus, by his ambassador Cineas, made trial of the dispositions, not only of our men, but of our women also, by offers of presents: at that time the Oppian law, for restraining female luxury, had not been made; and yet not one woman accepted a present. What, think you, was the reason?

Were the arts of Cineas successful? In public life, severe, To virtue still inexorably firm; But when, beneath his low illustrious roof, Sweet peace and happy wisdom smoothed his brow. Not friendship softer was, nor love more kind. Thomson. Being frustrated, therefore, in his expectations, Cin'eas returned to his master, extolling both the virtues and the grandeur of the Romans.

When Appius had done, eagerness for the war seized on every man, and Cineas was dismissed with this answer, that when Pyrrhus had withdrawn his forces out of Italy, then, if he pleased, they would treat with him about friendship and alliance, but while he stayed there in arms, they were resolved to prosecute the war against him with all their force, though he should have defeated a thousand Laevinuses.

These circumstances, and the train of events to which they led, will form the subject of the following chapter. The grand expedition into Italy. The dominion of the Romans. The Tarentines. Various parties formed at Tarentum. Boisterous meetings. Meton's artifice. Meton succeeds in accomplishing his aim. Pyrrhus is invited to come to Tarentum. Great numbers of volunteers. Cineas.

However this may be, Cineas found that the policy which he contemplated would not answer in Rome. Soon after his arrival in the city, and in an early stage of the negotiations, he began to offer his presents to the public men with whom he had to deal; but they refused to accept them.

It is now in a very unsettled state, and could do nothing effectual to resist us." "I think that is very true," said Cineas; "and after we make ourselves masters of Sicily, what shall we do then?" "Then," replied Pyrrhus, "we can cross the Mediterranean to Lybia and Carthage.

He was now in the service of Pyrrhus, and being sent about to various cities, proved the truth of the Euripidean saw, that "All can be done by words Which foemen wish to do with conquering swords." Pyrrhus at any rate used to say that more cities were won for him by Cineas with words than he himself won by force of arms.

The Tarentines remonstrate. Their arguments. Pyrrhus sends Cineas in advance to Sicily. Form of Sicily. Situation of Messana. Conduct of the Mamertines in Sicily. The Mamertines take complete possession of Messana. Three objects to be accomplished in Sicily. The grand expedition sails to Sicily. He determines to take Eryx by storm. Pyrrhus at the head of the column. Combat on the walls.