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The epoch-making Wednesday dawned at last. Great consultations had gone on between The Rigs and Hillview how best to make it an enjoyable occasion. Pamela wanted Jean to be present, but Jean thought it better not to be. "It would take away from the glory of the occasion. I'm only a chota Miss, and they are too accustomed to me. Ask Mrs. Jowett.

'That is the Government's house and there is no idolatry in it, but only a Sahib with a white beard. Come with me and I will show. 'Strange priests eat boys, whispered Chota Lal. Kim laughed. 'He is new. Run to your mothers' laps, and be safe. Come! Kim clicked round the self-registering turnstile; the old man followed and halted amazed.

The jungle-dweller of Chota Nagpur may have no name for the being to whom, at the appointed season and in the appointed place, he sacrifices fowls; but, as we have seen, the gods only come to have proper, personal names in slow course of time.

Here I purchased four goats for one dhoti merikani, the best bargain I ever made. Thunder had rumbled, and clouds overcast the skies for two days; and this day a delicious cooling shower fell. The people said it was the little rains chota barsat, as we call it in India expected yearly at this time, as the precursor of the later great falls.

With my nerves still unstrung from the previous night I feebly protested against the notion, suggesting Observatory Hill, Jutogh, the Boileaugunge road anything rather than the Jakko round. Kitty was angry and a little hurt: so I yielded from fear of provoking further misunderstanding, and we set out together toward Chota Simla.

Wessington's old appeal at my side. I had been expecting this ever since I came out; and was only surprised at her delay. The phantom 'rickshaw and I went side by side along the Chota Simla road in silence. Close to the bazaar, Kitty and a man on horseback overtook and passed us. For any sign she gave I might have been a dog in the road.

A few miles farther on they arrived at the larger village of Khulna, where they tied up for the night. Next morning Desmond was wakened by Surendra Nath. "Sahib," he said, "the bibi and the chota bibi are here." "Mrs. Merriman?" "Yes. They arrived last night by boat, and are pursuing their journey today." "I should like to see them before they go. But I'm afraid I am hardly presentable."

Is there any cold chicken you could grill?" "Chota murghi one egg lay, mem-sahib, anda poach. Sahib, chicken grill laike!" "Oh, all right! But I thought of a mutton-chop for the major sahib." "Sahib no laike!" "Very well, that will do a poached egg for me and grilled chicken for the sahib." "No, mem-sahib no 'nuf. Sahib plenty 'ungry chicken grill, peechy ramble-tamble egg!"

Wessington's old appeal at my side. I had been expecting this ever since I came out; and was only surprised at her delay. The phantom 'rickshaw and I went side by side along the Chota Simla road in silence. Close to the bazar, Kitty and a man on horseback overtook and passed us. For any sign she gave I might have been a dog in the road.

In that first moment of consciousness he understood why men of proven honour and courage have been known to take liberties with the laws of life and death. Zyarulla, entering soundlessly, set down the chota hassri on a small table at his master's elbow without betraying his surprise and concern by so much as the flicker of an eyelash.