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But the principal picture, within the town, is that of the vast curving quays, bordered with houses that look like the hotels of farmers-general of the last cen- tury, and of the wide, tawny river, crowded with ship- ping and spanned by the largest of bridges.

"We shall, for the present, leave Anthony propagating the monastic dispositions, and extending its influence not only into the next century, but for many ages after, and conclude this view of the state of the third century, with expressing our regret that the faith and love of the gospel received toward the close of it a dreadful blow from the encouragement of this unchristian practise." Cen.

Hopps' misadventures of which Hillocks held the copyright. "Weel, MacLure had been awa a' nicht wi' a shepherd's wife Dunleith wy, and he comes here withoot drawin' bridle, mud up tae the cen. "'What's a dae here, Hillocks?" he cries; 'it's no an accident, is't? and when he got aff his horse he cud hardly stand wi' stiffness and tire.

No wonder, then, that tremors seized him; Pygmalion shook as Galatea began to breathe, and to young Canby it was no less a miracle that his black marks and white paper should thus come to life. "Miss Ellsling!" called the stage-manager. "Miss Ellsling, you're on. You're on artificial stone bench in garden, down right. Mr. Nippert, you're on. You're over yonder, right cen "

Nicchocaehua, nicnotlamati, nicelnamiqui ticauhtehuazque yectliya xochitl yectli yancuicatl; ma octonahuiacan, ma oc toncuicacan cen tiyahui tipolihui ye ichan, etc.

The young Raymond de Trincavel, baffled and repulsed, retired at the end of twenty-four days. Saint Louis and Philip the Bold, in the thirteenth cen- tury, multiplied the defences of Carcassonne, which was one of the bulwarks of their kingdom on the Spanish quarter; and from this time forth, being re- garded as impregnable, the place had nothing to fear.

These sectaries called Cen doe shaue their beards and their heads, and doe for the most part, together with diuers of their associates, inhabit the Temples of Xaquam, or of others which in regard of the same profession haue in their Kalenders beene canonized for Saints, and doe rehearse certaine prayers after their maner, either vpon books or beads, vsing other ceremonies after the maner of our Bonzi.

The time more usually required in developing the image over the mercurial vapors, is about two minutes, and the temperature is raised to a point necessary to produce the desired effect in that time. This point varies as indicated by different scales, but for the ordinary scales it is not far from 90 deg. cen.

This animal slays itself because it fears fire more than death. Reason tells me imperiously that I have the right to slay myself, with the divine oracle of Cen: 'Qui non potest vivere bene non vivat male. These eight words have such power that it is impossible that a man to whom life is a burden could do other than slay himself on first hearing them."

Hopps' misadventures of which Hillocks held the copyright. "Weel, MacLure had been awa a' nicht wi' a shepherd's wife Dunleith wy, and he comes here withoot drawin' bridle, mud up tae the cen. "'What's a dae here, Hillocks?" he cries; 'it's no an accident, is't? and when he got aff his horse he cud hardly stand wi' stiffness and tire.