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In this event he was at his very best. Once or twice he started well with the ball at his toe, and made tracks for the Renton goal, but was badly supported in the following up, and often got collared by the opposing half-backs. He possessed great speed, like most of the other Cambuslang forwards, and scored a lot of the goals for his club that season in their best matches.

It has often been said about Cambuslang that it was a club of three names! Those names, however, both individually and collectively, were fearless opponents to meet in any tussle, let alone a cup tie, and to the credit of Cambuslang be it said, no combination of players ever served a club so well, and had such pleasure in their hard work, as the Buchanans, Gourlays, and Smiths.

The event of which I have presently to deal came off on Hampden Park on the 12th May, 1888, and ended in favour of the Renton, as has already been indicated, by four to none. The Cambuslang men played well at the start, and a close match was expected.

It was in Martyn's pagoda that Claudius Buchanan first broached his plan of an ecclesiastical establishment for India, and invited the discussion of it by Carey and his colleagues. Such a scheme came naturally from one who was the grandson of a Presbyterian elder of the Church of Scotland, converted in the Whitefield revival at Cambuslang.

The Renton Eleven are to-day in the proud position of winning the Glasgow Charity Cup four times in succession from 1886 down to season 1888-89, and even now the holders of that handsome trophy. In 1888 the Renton men held both cups, and what was of more account, won them by long odds against precisely the same opponents, viz., Cambuslang.

On one of these exploring tours we entered a limestone quarry long before geology was so popular as it is now. It is impossible to describe the delight and wonder with which I began to collect the shells found in the carboniferous limestone which crops out in High Blantyre and Cambuslang.

The Renton forwards, however, were too smart for the bulk of the Cambuslang backs, and woe betide a goalkeeper when he is not properly supported there! Mr. Dunn had a lively time of it in the contest, and saved some splendid shies from taking effect. ~J. Smith.~ The Cambuslang team were never famed for the brilliancy of their back play.

At Cambuslang I made the acquaintance and became the friend of Cynicus, the humorous artist whose satirical sketches have, for many years, been well-known and well sold in England, in Scotland and in Ireland too. He was then a youth of about twenty.