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The Cababuri runs into the Rio Negro near the mission of Nossa Senhora das Caldas; but the rivers Ya and Dimity, which are higher tributary streams, communicate also with the Cababuri; so that, from the little fort of San Gabriel de Cachoeiras as far as San Antonio de Castanheira the Indians of the Portuguese possessions can enter the territory of the Spanish missions by the Baria and the Pacimoni.

I see you know that you, Nina, are the woman, and you, Prosper, the man; while Caldas is...." With a quick gesture he removed his wig and whiskers, and the true Lecoq appeared. "Caldas!" cried Nina. "No, not Caldas, not Verduret, but Lecoq, the detective." After the moments of amazement had passed, Lecoq turned to leave the room, but Nina barred the way.

In his first moments of despair, Caldas wished to kill himself. Then he reflected that it would be wiser to live, and avenge himself." "And then," faltered Prosper. "Then Caldas avenged himself in his own way. He made the woman who deserted him recognize his immense superiority over his rival.

"No, not Caldas, not Verduret any longer: but Lecoq, the detective!" M. Lecoq broke the stupefied silence of his listeners by saying to Prosper: "It is not to me alone that you owe your salvation. A noble girl confided to me the difficult task of clearing your reputation. I promised her that M. Fauvel should never know the shameful secrets concerning his domestic happiness.

We lose sight of Palmyre Chocareille, called Gypsy, upon her release from prison, but we meet her again six months later, having made the acquaintance of a travelling agent named Caldas, who became infatuated with her beauty, and furnished her a house near the Bastille. She assumed his name for some time, then she deserted him to devote herself to you. Did you ever hear of this Caldas?"

Dined with Pinto Basto and met Fonseca. 16th, to Caldas. 17th, to Alcobaca; then drove on to Batalha, and slept at Leiria. These great monasteries, now deserted, with their architecture and their tombs, are of the highest interest. 18th.

There is more than one place of this name in Spain; the one of which I am speaking is distinguished from the rest by being called Caldas de los Reyes, or the warm baths of the kings. It will not be amiss to observe that the Spanish Caldas is synonymous with the Moorish Alhama, a word of frequent occurrence both in Spanish and African topography.

Your letter thwarted all my plans, and made it impossible for me to keep my promise. I have nothing more to say." He turned to leave the room, but Nina barred his exit. "Caldas," she murmured, "I implore you to have pity on me! I am so miserable! Ah, if you only knew! Be forgiving to one who has always loved you, Caldas! Listen." Prosper departed from M. Lecoq's office alone.

Nina, thus dismissed, did not move, but said timidly: "What about Caldas, monsieur?" This was the third time during the last fortnight that Prosper had heard this name, Caldas. The first time it had been whispered in his ear by a respectable-looking, middle-aged man, who offered his protection one day, when passing through the police-office passage.

The valley of Patias, for instance, running from north-east to south-west is only 350 toises of absolute height, even above the junction of the Rio Guachion with the Quilquasi, according to the barometric measures of M. Caldas; and yet it is surrounded by the highest summits, the Paramos de Puntaurcu and Mamacondy.