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He disappeared, and returned to Paris, taking with him all information as to the then condition of the departments of the West. The brothers Chaussard and Vauthier were, as the chancellor knows, Bryond's correspondents. As soon as the attack was made on the diligence from Caen, Bryond returned secretly and in disguise, under the name of Le Marchand.

The notary Leveille, the woman Bryond, Dubut of Caen, Herbomez of Mayenne, Boislaurier of Mans, and Rifoel, were therefore the heads of the association, which was composed of certain guilty persons already condemned to death and executed with Rifoel, certain others who are the accused persons at present under trial, and a number more who have escaped just punishment by flight or by the silence of their accomplices.

Bourget has died during the investigation, after making a confession which removes all doubt as to the part played by Vauthier and the woman Bryond; if he attempted to extenuate that of his wife and his nephews Chaussard, his motives are easy to understand.

The magistrates and the gendarmerie struck such sure blows that it was thought advisable to place the woman Bryond beyond the reach of human justice; for she appears to have been an object of great devotion on the part of these criminals, who were captivated by her.

Under the Empire none of the nobiliary titles were allowed, nor any of the names added to the patronymic or original names. Therefore, the Baronne des Tours-Minieres was called Madame Bryond. The Troisvilles became the Sieurs Guibelin." "But what happened? Did the Emperor pardon her?" "Alas, no!" replied Alain. "The unfortunate little woman, not twenty-one years old, perished on the scaffold.

Summary on behalf of Madame Henriette Bryond des Tours-Minieres, nee Lechantre de la Chanterie. "No longer any doubt!" murmured Godefroid. We are condemned and guilty; but if ever the Sovereign had reason to exercise his right of clemency it is surely in a case like this. Here is a young woman, about to become a mother, and condemned to death.

These unworthy soldiers, named Ratel and Mallet, showed this woman the utmost interest and offered to take her to the Chaussards and force them to make restitution. The woman Bryond starts on horseback, disguised as a man, accompanied by Ratel, Mallet, and the girl Godard. She makes the journey by night. She has a conference alone with one of the brothers Chaussard, an excited conference.

The next day Hiley wrote a letter to the notary Leveille, which one of the Chaussard brothers took to the latter, bringing back his answer. Two hours later Rifoel and the woman Bryond returned and had an interview with Hiley. It was then found necessary to obtain an axe to open, as we shall see, the cases containing the money.

As for the woman Bryond and the notary Leveille, could any co-operation be more connected, more continuous than theirs? They repeatedly furnished means for the crime; they were privy to it, and they abetted it. Leveille travelled constantly. The woman Bryond invented scheme after scheme; she risked all, even her life, to recover the plunder.

Eleven muskets were hidden in a house belonging to the Sieur Bryond in the faubourg of Alencon, where they were placed without his knowledge. When the Sieur Bryond left his wife to pursue the fatal course she had chosen, these muskets, mysteriously taken from the said house, were transported by the woman Bryond in her own carriage to the chateau of Saint-Savin.