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Allen knows well that both on the eastern and southern frontiers Germany is threatened by the aggression of the Pan-Slavic movement, and to protect herself from this Pan-Slavic movement, together with a possible French alliance, the war preparations of Germany are none too vast. Besides, I would ask Mr. Allen, What about Britain's vast navy?" "The answer to this question," said Mr.

Several hours before, this ocean greyhound one of Great Britain's monster sea-fighters had up-anchored and left her dock where she had been undergoing slight repairs heading eastward down the river. Men lined the rails of the monster ship.

The Anglo-Saxon Family Likeness How Frenchmen and Germans View it Englishmen, Americans, and "Foreigners" An Echo of the War of 1812 An Anglo-American Conflict Unthinkable American Feeling for England The Venezuelan Incident The Pilgrims and Some Secret History Why Americans still Hate England Great Britain's Nearness to the United States Geographically Commercially Historically England's Foreign Ill-wishers in America.

The vital points, at any rate for us Westerners, are only three: Belgium, Alsace-Lorraine, and disarmament. * Stay, there is another. It is vital to Great Britain's reputation that she should accept nothing neither indemnity, nor colonies; not a single pound, not a single square mile.

Throughout the struggle the Peoples Progressive Party had insisted upon winning popular majorities as a basis for establishing socialism in the colony by democratic methods and legal means. Imperialist reactionaries from Britain's Prime Minister and the President of the United States to the A.F. of L.-C.I.O. retorted: "No you don't", and backed up their veto with money, riots and guns.

But Great Britain's flaming glory had swept still farther westward, for German Flatts was gone except for its church and one house, which were too near the forts for the destructives to burn.

Great Britain at once protested against the exemption clause as a violation of the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty and anti-British sentiment at once flared up in all parts of the United States. Most American authorities on international law and diplomacy believed that Great Britain's interpretation of the treaty was correct.

Two thousand of the flower of Britain's armies were killed or wounded in the few minutes during which the two assaults were so rashly attempted in parade formation. Coolly, as though at a prize turkey shoot on a tavern green, the American riflemen fired into these masses of doomed men, and every bullet found its billet.

Sovereignty includes the right of self determination putting the interests of one particular state above the interests of the entire family of nations the part before the whole. Here is a contradiction and a possible conflict of interest. Britain's Prime Minister Heath, like many another spokesman in his position, summed up the issue in the pithy phrase: "British interests come first."

"I must desire you," continued the letter, "to acquaint me by whose authority and instructions you have lately marched from Canada with an armed force, and invaded the King of Great Britain's territories.