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Do you inscribe the principal events of your life and your family's; hand the account over to your son, that he may do as you, and thus on, forever generation after generation. Do you swear to me, by Hesus, to respect my wishes?" I, Guilhern the laborer, answered: "I swear to my father Joel, the brenn of the tribe of Karnak, that I will faithfully carry out his desires."

While the "horse-dealer" was speaking, I drew my hand across my forehead to make sure that it was really I, Guilhern, the son of Joel the brenn of the tribe of Karnak, a son of that free and haughty race, whom they were treating like a beef for the mart.

The younger ones of the druids received him as a brother, the elder ones as a son. Recognizing Julyan, the traveler said to him: "As you are to return to the brenn of the tribe, wait a little; I shall give you a letter for him." Julyan yielded to the wish of the stranger, who withdrew accompanied by Talyessin and other druids.

In the end, the Brenn having been dangerously wounded, those brave men dreamed only of making a rampart of their bodies for him, and of carrying him from the field. The chiefs then gave the signal of retreat, and to prevent the wounded from falling into the hands of the enemy, they caused those who were not in a condition to follow, to be put to death. The army halted when the night overtook it.

He has said all men are the children of one God. By offering to him human sacrifices.... May those that are to be offered to-night calm his wrath." "The sacrifices of to-night?" asked the brenn; "which are they?" "Do not my father and mother know that to-night, when the moon rises, there will be three human sacrifices at the stones of the forest of Karnak?"

See our fleet has met the Roman galleys." Mikael and I looked in the direction the brenn was pointing, and saw our ships with their heavy leathern sails, bent on iron chains, grappling with the galleys. The brenn spoke true. The battle was joined on land and sea simultaneously. On that double combat depended the freedom or slavery of Gaul.

Joel said to his family: "Although they are still rapping, the dogs do not bark. They must know who is at the gate." Saying this, the brenn stepped out. Several of his kinsmen, the stranger included, followed him out of prudence. The yard gate was opened and two voices were heard outside the palisades crying: "It is we, friends, ... Albinik and Mikael."

"The stranger who was our guest and whom this morning I took to the Isle of Sen," replied the brenn, "spoke to us as you do, dear daughter." "My father and mother may listen as sacred words to the words of the Chief of the Hundred Valleys. Hesus and love for Gaul inspire him. He is brave among the bravest." "He! Is he the Chief of the Hundred Valleys?" exclaimed Joel.

"People from Anjou, who came here to buy beef and pork, told us about it." "And it is with such unconcern that you speak of the Roman invasion of Gaul?" cried the traveler. "Never have the Breton Gauls been invaded by strangers," proudly answered the brenn of the tribe of Karnak. "We shall remain spotless of the taint.

He held in his hand a nosegay of vervain. He looked serene and bold. Hardly had he ascended the pyre, when again the harps and cymbals struck up, and the bard chanted: "Who is this? He is a brave man! It is Julyan the laborer; Julyan of the family of Joel, the brenn of the tribe of Karnak! He fears the gods, and all love him. He is good, he is industrious, he is brave.