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From stand to stand they went, betting Remorse in each book, ten and twenty dollars at a time; not enough to cause remark, but amounting to hundreds in the aggregate. Gradually the odds began to recede. Checkers rushed to the other end of the ring. "Gimme Remorse!" he exclaimed, excitedly, handing his gold-piece to a convenient blockman. "What the 'ell's this?" asked the wondering book-maker.

Afterwards he added, smiling, "Tallyrand is evidently a shrewd man. He has penetrated my designs. What he advises you know I am anxious to do. But again I say, he is right; one gets on quicker by oneself. Lebrun is a worthy man, but he has no policy in his head; he is a book-maker. Cambaceres carries with him too many traditions of the Revolution. My government must be an entirely new one."

It is one of the highest callings even for this reason: a teacher utterly unable to see any results of her labor, in black and white, at the end of her pupil's course, as the book-maker may see in the number of printed pages, is willing to trust that, because she has done what she could, good will come to her pupil.

It seems therefore highly probable, that the journal or narrative of Fitch may have fallen into the hand of some ingenious book-maker, who wished to increase its interest by this unjustifiable art.

The only way, therefore, to account for the disorder is, that the book is a medley of detached unauthenticated anecdotes, put together by some stupid book-maker, under the name of Jeremiah; because many of them refer to him, and to the circumstances of the times he lived in.

Here, my good fellow," he added, and handed the policeman a ten-dollar bill. "You're not a Mexican. You're an American," the book-maker Joe cried accusingly, "although you bragged like a Mexican." "Quite right. I never claimed to be a Mexican, however. I heard about this Thanksgiving Handicap, and it seemed such a splendid opportunity to pick up a few thousand dollars that I entered my horse.

Might have been a book-maker you never can tell. Anyhow, I am sort o' sorry for the chap. It would break me all up if I lost a wad of that size! Who is he? Hell, what a fool I am! Here is the name on the flap of the wallet. ABNER MCNAMEE, 24 Broadway, New York. "'Abner McNamee! Abner McNamee!! Abner Mac ! Ain't this the limit! Abner McNamee! We can't take this money!

The greatest man has passed his zenith, when he once begins to cheapen his style of work and sink into a book-maker: after that, though the newspapers may never hint at it, nor his admirers own it, the decline of his career is begun. Yet the author is not alone to blame for this, but also the world which first tempts and then reproves him.