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They were educated men, who had seen much of the world and spoke several languages fluently. Pierre, having served in the French army, became a skilled fencing-master. Jean set up a blacksmith shop, his slaves doing the work. Such was the creditable way in which these worthies began their new-world career.

Here, too, are five hundred horses, all of which can be harnessed at twenty-four hours' notice; and, since the Park is so remote, here also are the company's blacksmith and repair shops. Within the stables, also, are the beautifully varnished coaches, varying in cost from one to two thousand dollars, and made in Concord, New Hampshire, twenty-five hundred miles away.

Is there any thing you ought to be doing at home?" "No, no!" both answered together, and Sammy answered that he did up all his chores before he came away. "Very well; then I will tell you about Elf King's visit to the blacksmith." "Instead of next Wednesday?" "Oh, dear, no! I have a long story for next Wednesday.

It contained in miniature a woolen mill, a packing house, a cheese factory, perhaps a shoe factory and a blacksmith shop. One by one these industries have been withdrawn from general farm-life, and established as independent businesses. Likewise our dairy farms, our fruit farms, and our market gardens have been segregated from the general farm.

At the moment when Agricola approached him to shake hands, and to bid him adieu, the missionary said to him solemnly, with a grave voice, and in a tone of decision that astonished both the blacksmith and the soldier: "My dear brother, one word more. "How! you speak thus to us!" exclaimed Agricola; "what is the matter?"

"And I ain't neither," declared the gambler, who boasted of being Canadian. "Don't you forget that, old boy." "No," Jim slowly replied, "I've often noticed that all that glitters ain't American." "Well, you can clear out of here and notice how things look outside," retorted Parky. Jim was slowly straightening up when the blacksmith and the teamster entered the place.

The blacksmith talked as he worked, in a gentle voice without a trace of self-consciousness, and Isabelle had again that sense of VISION, of something inward and sustaining in this man of remote and narrow range, something that expressed itself in the slow speech, the peaceful, self-contained manner.

The streets and blocks of "real estate" graded on the hillsides are rapidly falling back into the wilderness. Sagebrushes are growing up around the forges of the blacksmith shops, and lizards bask on the crumbling walls.

It is curious as containing a representation of the founder with his dog and cups; a drawing of the furnace, with the wheelbarrow and other implements for the casting, and on a shield the pincers and other marks of the blacksmith. Leonard was tenant of the Sackville furnace at Little Udimore. Sussex Archaeological Collections, vol. xii.

Turning toward Flora, he said, "I suppose it would be too much trouble to play me a tune?" "Certainty not," she replied; and, seating herself at the piano, she dashed off, with voice and instrument, "The Campbells are coming, Oho! Oho!" "By George!" exclaimed the blacksmith. "You was born to it, ma'am; that's plain enough. Well, it was just so with me.