United States or Armenia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

One sheep would not have made much trouble; it would have been easy to dodge just one object. But here came a string of the woolly creatures and greater fools than sheep have not been discovered in the animal world! The old black-faced ram trotted across the road and through a gap in a fence on the river side. After him crowded the ewes and youngsters.

In the crowded British Legation fear alternated with hope, and hope with fear, until, on the forenoon of August 14th, a boy ran into the Legation crying that "black-faced Europeans" were advancing along the royal canal in the direction of the building.

Ugh! how I dread it, and you, too!" she continued, shaking her head at the imaginary Grey, who stood before her mind's eye, black-eyed, black-whiskered, black-faced, and a very giant in proportions, as she fancied all Americans to be.

I know there are caribou in British Columbia, far to the north." "Mackenzie talks about seeing reindeer in here." "Yes, I suppose he meant the black-faced caribou of the mountains, and not the regular barren-ground animal which goes in the big herds. It's odd, but those early men didn't seem to know all the animals on which they depended so much.

"The villain, the black-faced traitor! it is not enough he hath dared raise arms against me, but he must beard me to the very teeth, defy me in my very palace, throw scorn upon me, maltreat an officer of mine own person! Is there no punishment but death for this foul insolence!

Darling set out on his adventurous journey after an early breakfast eaten by candle-light. He felt courageous, invincible. He would rescue the lady of his long sea-dreams from that black-faced, black-hearted pirate who was called the skipper of Chance Along. In the flush of this determination the necklace was forgotten.

I sat for a long time in a happy dream, remembering all the glimpses I had had of her, and humming her song to an audience of one black-faced sheep. On the highroad half a mile below me, I saw a figure on a bicycle mounting the hill, and then getting off to mop its face at the summit. I turned my Ziess glasses on to it, and observed that it was a country policeman.

'Out, ye black-faced blighter! roared Williams, as he cut down a great burly Turk who was swinging at him with a rifle butt. Inside ten seconds every mother's son in the boat had reached the deck of the launch, and a regular hand-to-hand battle raged. The launch was heavily manned, and after their first surprise the Turks pulled themselves together and fought desperately.

For some time I hailed the vessel in vain, but at last a black-faced man who was manifestly one of the officers thrust his head through a port and asked what I wanted. I told him that I had come to see if he had any newspapers from home. "I will go and see," he said, in a strong Glasgow dialect, and presently he returned with a copy of the Glasgow Mail of June 3rd, and threw it down to me.

They're usually very nice little fellows, but I'm afraid they've been shut up so long in that dark trunk that they're feeling a little angry. I'll have to see. No? Then we'll have to ask your friend here. What's your name?" "Sambo," mouthed the black-faced marionette. "Gee!" whispered John, as he watched the professor's lips closely. "How's he do it?"