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In his vehemence, the speaker wagged his chin and held his clenched fists stiffly toward the floor. "He is he is he is " He paused, breathing like a fighting dog. Frowenfeld, large, white, and immovable, stood close before him. "Dey 'ad no bizniz led 'im come oud to-day," said a bystander, edging toward a pillar.

Zese citoyens goin' to wickwest Jean Poquelin to give to the Ursuline' two hondred fifty dolla'" " quoi!" cried a listener, "Cinq cent piastres, oui!" "Oui!" said Bienvenu, "and if he wiffuse we make him some lit' musique; ta-ra ta!" He hoisted a merry hand and foot, then frowning, added: "Old Poquelin got no bizniz dhink s'much w'isky."

"Plumb," replied Hal, with his most amiable expression. "So far as any immediate decision is concerned." "Less ged oud," said Mr. Mintz to his colleagues. They got out. Mintz was last to go. He came over to Hal. "I lyg your story," he said. "I lyg to see a feller stand up for his bizniz against the vorlt. I'm a Jew. I hope you lose but goot luck!" He held out his hand. Hal took it. "Mr.

I'm in the show bizniz." General Booth is quite as much a showman as Barnum, but he is a pious showman. He is a perfect master of the vulgar art of attracting fools. Every day brings a fresh change in his "Walk up, Walk up."

That was a pleasant way we had of addressin each other when he was in the flesh. "Air you in the show bizniz, William?" sed I. He sed he was. He sed he & John Bunyan was travelin with a side show in connection with Shakspere, Jonson & Co.'s Circus. Occashunally Mr. Bunyan sung a comic song. The Circus was doin middlin well.