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A rubber tube is attached to the bent-over end of one of the legs, so that the effects of blowing or suction may be communicated to the mercury in that leg. Normally the mercury stands level in both tubes at what may be called the zero mark. Any change of level in one leg is accompanied by an equal change in the opposite direction in the other.

The brook was higher than Bunny or Sue had ever seen it before, and the bent-over, twisted and muddy grass showed how high up in the meadow the water had come. There were some wooden pegs still left in the ground, to show where the tents had stood. "And now they're gone," said Bunny sadly. "Yes. Carried away in the flood," remarked Bunker. "But maybe we'll find them," said Ben hopefully.

It was traveling without lights. It stopped in town." "Let's go," Rick whispered. He got out of the jeep, Scotty on his heels. They moved carefully up the slope of the wash and emerged on the open desert behind the town. Scotty took his arm. "Follow me." The dark-haired boy moved into the lead. They moved in a bent-over position, making their way from bush to bush, careful to move silently.

"Well, we must be getting on." Robert raised his hat and watched them disappear around the corner. There was a vaguely lonesome feeling somewhere in the region of his heart. He went on past the entrance of the San Francisco Stock Exchange and almost collided with a bent-over, shrewd-faced man, whose eagle-beak and penetrating eyes were a familiar sight along California street.

It appeared to stagger as though hurt; and every eight or ten paces it stopped and rested in a bent-over position. The murky light was too dim for me to make out details; but after a moment a rift in the veil enabled me to identify Dr. Schermerhorn carrying, with great difficulty, the chest. I took no chances, but began at once to shout, as soon as I saw the men had noticed his coming.