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Some seeds will germinate when placed between pieces of ice and kept at a freezing temperature; and it is thought that, this method will afford an easy means of selecting varieties of seed which will bear a cold climate. The explosion in the coal mines at Jabin, Belgium, last February, was due to the ignition of fine coal powder suspended in the air.

Is there such a thing as neutrality in this war? Germany herself gave the answer when she invaded Belgium.

A week later he was at Brussels, and before the end of the month he was master of Belgium. Holland was undefended, and he proposed to conquer it; but Antwerp was already in the power of the French, and his government feared that England would come to the defence of the Dutch. They directed him to march upon Cologne and complete the conquest of the Rhine.

Long paths had been cut through the wood leading to the various parts of the trenches in front. A very quaint place, take it all in all, and one which has left a curious and not unpleasing impression on my mind. This ability to wander around and creep about various parts of our position, led to my getting an idea, which nearly finished my life in the cottage, village, or even Belgium.

Now, let's take our walk, a nice cool drink or two and go to bed where we can dream about what might have happened to us at the dance hall." "Where does she live?" asked Savage, as they left the rotunda. "Avenue Louise," was the laconic answer. "Why don't you say Belgium or Europe, if you're bound to be explicit," growled Dickey.

Abandoned farms are not known in Belgium and France, though the soil has been cultivated for a thousand years, and was originally no better than our New England farms, and not nearly so good as hundreds of those which are practically given over to "old fields" in Virginia. It is neglect that impoverishes land, not use. Intelligent use makes land better year by year.

The next thing is to find a name for the child, and that is done by the godmother, who either chooses some family name or calls the child after its patron saint that is to say, the saint on whose day it was born for in Belgium, as in all Catholic countries, each day is dedicated to some saint.

How far the German invasion of Belgium can morally be extenuated owing to a French purpose to do likewise has still not been made clear but this argument does not apply to Luxembourg, and the breach of right remains the same whether the country where it occurs be large or small.

One battle in this century rises in fame above all other conflicts of the ages. It is Waterloo. It was on the night of the seventeenth of June, 1815, that the British and French armies, drawing near each other on the borders of Belgium, encamped, the one near the little village of Waterloo and the other at La Belle Alliance. They were close together.

Through the bitter struggle of the last few years Belgium has conquered what other nations might consider as their birthright the right to be herself, the master of her fate, the captain of her soul. It becomes more and more apparent to foreign consciousness that her future is bound up with that of Europe.