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Now as they clasped hands, Barnabas saw the Viscount set his jaw grimly, and something glistened upon his temple, yet his smile was quite engaging as he answered: "Thank you, my Lord, never better!" "Yes," said his Lordship, as he slowly relinquished the Viscount's hand, "your Grace was right, as usual, it is his arm!" "Then of course he cannot ride, Bamborough you will forbid it?"

For a messenger came one day, saying that Earl Evroc her lord had been slain at Bamborough, in a mighty melée between some of the best and most valiant knights of Logres and Alban, and two tall sons with him. As the years passed, and her little son began to run, three black days came within a little of each other, for on these days messengers came with the sad news of the death of her other boys.

Two beautiful memorials of Grace have been erected: one in Bamborough Churchyard, and the other in Saint Cuthbert's Chapel, on the Farne Island. Our picture represents that in Bamborough Churchyard. Her sleeping figure lies under a Gothic canopy, backed by the blue waves, and within sight of the scene of her heroism. "She is lying and sleeping now Under the verdant turf.

Far away to the right, Holy Island, with the castle-crowned rock of Bamborough beyond it, are prominent objects; and at night, the Longstone light on the Outer Farne recalls the heroic rescue by Grace Darling of the shipwrecked crew of the Forfarshire. Opposite this window stood the large bookcase in which Dr. Cairns's library was housed.

This Frenchman was not one to spare either man or woman from any motive of charity or chivalry. "Even if that is so," he said, "the princess is not relieved from the embarrassment of her situation." "No?" "No, my astute friend. There is a little matter connected with Sydney Bamborough which has come to my knowledge." Etta moved, but she said nothing.

"Excellent," nodded the Marquis, "I'll run over to Half-moon Street this afternoon. Is Bamborough with him still?" "No, his Lordship left yesterday." "Ha!" said the Marquis, and taking out his snuff-box, he looked at it, tapped it, and put it away again. "Poor old Sling," said he gently, "I miss him damnably, y'know, Beverley." "Marquis," said Barnabas, "what is it?"

Down the coast they went, while the Queen eagerly watched from the battlements, and the Laidley Worm followed them fast along the shore, and all the folk of Bamborough scrambled up the cliff side, and, holding on by jagged bits of crags and tough clumps of grass and of yellow tansy, kept a precarious foothold, waiting, wide-eyed, to see what would be the outcome of the fray.

But in the character of the smuggler there was much that was interesting there were many bold and redeeming points. I have known many; but I prefer, at present, giving a few passages from the history of one who lived before my time, and who was noted in his day as an extraordinary character. Harry Teasdale was a native of Embleton, near Bamborough.

"How did you get such a small small neck?" "How did you get such a huge huge head?" "What do you come for?" In Bamborough Castle once lived a king who had a fair wife and two children, a son named Childe Wynd and a daughter named Margaret. Childe Wynd went forth to seek his fortune, and soon after he had gone the queen his mother died.

We have the well-known legend of the 'Worm Well' of Lambton Castle, and that of the 'Laidly Worm of Spindleston Heugh' near Bamborough. In both these legends the 'worm' was a monster of vast size and power a veritable dragon or serpent, such as legend attributes to vast fens or quags where there was illimitable room for expansion.