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It was all plain sailing then, and swift sailing, too; the rest of the performance was completed with perfect unanimity, much to my own satisfaction, and, I trust, not to the discontent of my fairy-footed charge. The freedom and independent self-reliance of the Baltimorean demoiselles is very remarkable.

We subsequently learned that we owed this good luck to Wirz's absence on sick leave his place being supplied by Lieutenant Davis, a moderate brained Baltimorean, and one of that horde of Marylanders in the Rebel Army, whose principal service to the Confederacy consisted in working themselves into "bomb-proof" places, and forcing those whom they displaced into the field.

The huge butcher, fifteen stone, two hundred and ten pounds, good weight, steps out like Telamonian Ajax, defiant. No words from Harry, the Baltimorean, one of the quiet sort, who strike first; and do the talking, if there is any, afterwards.

Pinckney, who was very kind to the young Baltimorean, and greatly troubled the Grand Duke his Serenity by presenting him as a relative of the Bonapartes. Many another American had said it, and even some leading politicians: he might have held office at home: but Pinckney continued to live in Carlsruhe.

Before she could say, "Well, you sha'n't have the basket, even if you do steal the things from it!" the first pie had wholly gone. He tried a little variety: broke the brown loaf in two, and, unrolling the pat of butter, generously smeared it, using his dirty hands for knife. This was wretchedly disgusting but fascinating. It reminded the young Baltimorean of feeding-time at the Zoo.

"I wonder, with your strong desire to punish the South, that you are not in the field," Irving said, a little dryly, for though not a sympathizer with the rebellion, he was a Baltimorean, and not yet quite as much aroused as Hugh, who replied at once: "And so I should have been, but for circumstances I could not control.

This time I abode at the New York Hotel, where a Baltimorean had already secured quarters. This much, at least, must be conceded to the Yankee capital. In no other town that I know of can a traveler so thoroughly take his ease in his inn.

During the night Paul and his Baltimore friend had a long talk over the situation but they were far from satisfied. Leonard, the Baltimorean, suggested that before they took arms up against the government; they had better investigate a little further. With this intention they rose very early and started for a more respectable quarter of the city.

I am too well-bred to be converted to any of his impious ideas. I am a Baltimorean, and stand by my colors." "Let us speak of that no more," Vesta said, almost in despair, "but talk of dear papa. I know he loves you." "It is too late," Mrs. Custis remarked, solemnly, with another fondling of her check; "he has neglected me too long.

The rest of the afternoon and evening was spent in making acquaintance with the Baltimorean blockade-runner, my room-mate, and in exchanging dreary prison civilities with the cells either side, through little tunnels pierced in the wall by former prisoners, which allowed passage to anything of a calibre not exceeding that of a rolled newspaper.