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I shore never knowed thet nice-spoken Las Vegas Carmichael could use such language. It was a stream of the baddest names known out here, an' lots I never heard of. Now an' then I caught somethin' like low-down an' sneak an' four-flush an' long-haired skunk, but for the most part they was just the cussedest kind of names.

Cousin Henny is my cannybel, 'cause she eats so much, and I please HER by bringing nice things and getting her cushions ready. You are my baddest one, who is cross to me, and fights, and raps my head, and slaps my hands; so I thought some beads would be nice for you, and I bringed these beauties. Mr. Thomas gave 'em to me when I told him my trials."

And so it came about that Gyp, who, by nature also never set foot anywhere without invitation, was always hearing the words: "Step in, Miss Gyp"; "Step in, and sit down, lovey," and a good many words besides from even the boldest and baddest characters. There is nothing like a soft and pretty face and sympathetic listening for seducing the hearts of "the people."

'I have seen some one, returned Baptist. 'I have rincontrato him. 'Im? Oo him? asked Mrs Plornish. 'A bad man. A baddest man. I have hoped that I should never see him again. 'Ow you know him bad? asked Mrs Plornish. 'It does not matter, Padrona. I know it too well. ''E see you? asked Mrs Plornish. 'No. I hope not. I believe not.

"I wish to goodness we knew who it was!" "A reng-lidder?" repeated the March Hare. "I don' know zat word. But if you mean ze boy who done ze much most ze baddest of all ze bads ah, I know him! Yes, I mark him long, long time. An' I wait." "What d'ye mean, Harey? Who is it?" "Nev-er mat-ter," said the March Hare mysteriously; and at that point Mr. Anderson re-entered the room.

I am going to have company. I am, really! I shall fill the house! Get all the beds aired, and all the bedrooms swept out! I shall ask heaps of people, all the baddest, maddest folks I can find! I want to be bad and mad myself! There's nobody bad or mad enough to keep me going down here. Look at these!" And she raked among the visiting-cards and selected a few. "Listen!