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"But I said men of brawn and brains, you remember." "And bounce, to perfect the alliteration," murmured "Lily." "Yes, bounce, too," said Martin; "at least, he must never take back-water; he must be ready to attempt anything, even the impossible." "That's the splendid thing about it!" cried Miss Brodie. "You're entirely on your own and you never say die!"

A beautiful sunset, which made the whole expanse of back-water appear of a rose-colour, and which, I confess, I have seldom seen equalled in England, gave as much richness to the view as it was capable of receiving.

Lovers are divided into two kinds, the babbling and the silent. We meet specimens of the silent kind on a Thames back-water the punt drawn up under the shady bank with the twain lying side by side, their arms about each other all the afternoon. When evening comes, and it is time to return home, her fellow gets out the sculls, and they part saying: "Well, dear, next Sunday, at the same time."

During the night Forrest also, with his cavalry and some other troops about a thousand in all, made their way out, passing between our right and the river. They had to ford or swim over the back-water in the little creek just south of Dover. Before daylight General Smith brought to me the following letter from General Buckner: HEADQUARTERS, FORT DONELSON, February 16, 1862.

A notable example of this type of officer was Capt. Jahleel Brenton, who for some years commanded the gangs at Leith and Greenock. Though a man of blunt sensibilities and speech, he possessed qualities which carried him out of the stagnant back-water of pressing into the swim of service afloat, where he eventually secured a baronetcy and the rank of Vice-Admiral.

But the eels did not seem to have approved of the visitor who had been upon their domains, and, judging from appearances, they had all bade good-bye to the place, for not another bite could either of the boys get in the mill-pool; so they had to try in the deep part of the back-water, where they met with a little better success, and between them succeeded in capturing about two dozen more; when they found that the mist was rising heavily from off the water, and various other indications pointed out that it was time to think of returning homeward.

"Now, we go ashore here," said Kathy, turning the boat, with a prompt back-water of the left scull, and a vigorous pull of the right one, into a little cove just big enough to hold it.

"She still gains! a heavy lee!" Back-water from leeward, half-way up the quarter-deck; filled one of the cutters upon the booms, and tore her all to pieces; the ship lying almost on her beam ends, and not attempting to right again. Word from below that the ship still gained on them, as they could not stand to the pumps, she lay so much along.

During the night Forrest also, with his cavalry and some other troops about a thousand in all, made their way out, passing between our right and the river. They had to ford or swim over the back-water in the little creek just south of Dover. Before daylight General Smith brought to me the following letter from General Buckner: HEADQUARTERS, FORT DONELSON, February 16, 1862.

It was upon this very night that Falding the Englishman sat with other men in a London tavern, talking joyously. "There's been the luck of Heaven," he said, "in the whole exploit. We'd been prospecting for months. As a sort of try in a back-water we rowed over one night to an island and pitched tents.