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D'Aubuisson gives for this case, in his Traite d'Hydraulique, a rather complicated formula, containing a constant deduced from experiment, whose value, according to a calculation made by the author, is approximately b1 = 0.0003.

The sulphate, lime, and sufficient water to moisten the whole are ground into a pulp and left to dry. The dry mixture, which has a reddish-yellow colour, is broken up fine. Put tray B1 into place and spread half the chemical over it; then lay B on the top and cover it with the remainder. The lid joint is sealed by a broad rubber band.

Next grant that B is divided by the dotted line, CD, into two halves B not being one homogeneous State, but two States, B1 and B2. It is obvious that in such a situation, if A is the chief object of attack, and is the Power which has both provoked the conflict and made itself the chief object of assault by M and N, A is by this arrangement in a position politically weak.

Gothard Tunnel, has made some experiments on the air conduit of this tunnel, the results of which he has kindly furnished to the author. These lead to values for the coefficient b1 appreciably less than that which is contained implicitly in D'Aubuisson's formula.

The uncertainty in this respect is so great that it is not worth while, with a view to accuracy, to relinquish the great convenience which the simple formula, b1 u squared, offers.

Double a piece of paper and cut out of both folds simultaneously a figure of the shape indicated by the solid lines in the diagram. The portion A is square, and forms the head weight; B indicates the front planes, C the rear planes. Bend the upper fold of each pair into the positions B1, C1, marked by dotted lines.

B2 had the more comfortable and better-shaded positions, but B1, though their guns were among the rocks and in the full heat of the sun, were in easy reach of the sea, and had a Rest Camp at Grado among the lagoons.

Describe circles aaa, each half the diameter of A. The circles bbb are then drawn from centres on the lines RRR, and with the same radius as aaa., The same centres are used for describing the circles a1 a1 a1 and b1 b1 b1, parts of which form the inner boundary of the line. The background should be blackened and the belt left white or be painted some bright colour.

The values given to the coefficient b1 vary considerably, because, as stated above, it varies with the diameter, and also with the nature of the material of the pipe. It is generally admitted that it is independent of the pressure, and it is probable that within certain limits of pressure this hypothesis is in accordance with the truth.

Their communications with France depended upon the French fleet cruising in the neighborhood. Serious injury inflicted upon it would therefore go far to relieve the invested garrison. Critical positions on the map are marked with codes such as "B1" and "F2", which will be referred to below in the text.