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Howe I dealt with her, gesse gentle reader, Sub audi that I was in prison, and she was my Jailor. Meanes there was made after a moneths or two durance by M. Iohn Russell, a gentleman of king Henrie the eights chamber, who then lay lieger at Venice for England, that our cause should be fauorably heard.

And they recommenced their howling, yelling chorus of "Misericordia! Audi nos peccadores!" and "Santissima Virgen, and Todos santos y angeles!" "Are the fellows mad?" shouted Rowley, "What if the water does come? It won't swallow you. A ducking more or less is no such great matter. You are not made of sugar or salt. Many's the drenching I've had in the States, and none the worse for it.

While each new fit lasts the enthusiasm of good people is quite impressive in its intensity; all the old hackneyed signatures appear by scores in the newspapers, and "Pro Bono Publico," "Audi Alteram Partem," "X.Y.Z.," "Paterfamilias," "An Inquirer," have their theories quite pat and ready.

Te rogamus, audi nos." At sight of the relic the multitude went delirious with affectionate joy. Tears ran from all eyes, and through glistening tears these eyes beheld a miraculous gleam emanate from the three fingers held up as if in the act of benediction. The arm appeared larger now, in the enkindled air. The dim light awoke strange scintillations in the precious stones.

He owns that he is not an unprejudiced witness; but, as all the writers from which it is possible to extract any notice of the proceedings of these disastrous years, were prejudiced on the other side, the statements of the great historian become of additional value. If only on the principle of audi alteram partem, his opinion is entitled to consideration.

'Siderum regina bicornis audi, Luna puellas, quoted Mr Dean, with a side glance at the radiant Daisy; and if that confident lady had understood Latin, she would have judged from this satirical quotation that Dr Alder was not so subjugated by her charms as to contemplate matrimony.

"Open it," he said, "I will read, segnius irritant, don't put the light out, ah! haeret lateri, I am going, vale, vale, vale, good-bye, good-bye, the Lord take care of my child! Domine, audi vel audito!" His face whitened suddenly, and he lay still, with open eyes and mouth. He had taken his last degree.

"Open it," he said, "I will read, segnius irritant, don't put the light out, ah! hoeret lateri, I am going, vale, vale, vale, goodbye, good-bye, the Lord take care of my child! Domine, audi vel audito!" His face whitened suddenly, and he lay still, with open eyes and mouth. He had taken his last degree.

Graydon is acting in the same manner as he did in Valencia, for which he was admonished, "he will assuredly be recalled on this ground. You wonder perhaps that we for a moment doubt the fact of his reiterated imprudence; but audi alteram partem must be our rule and besides, on reviewing the Valencia proceedings, we draw a wide distinction.

Sprat had his rhymed joke with the rest, in lines to a Person of Honour 'upon his Incomparable, Incomprehensible Poem, intitled 'The British Princes'. Edward Howard did not print the nonsense here ascribed to him. No. 44. Friday, April 20, 1711. Addison. 'Tu, quid ego et populus mecum desideret, audi. Hor.