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We are beginning to see to-day that Canada could not have become a great and powerful sister nation in the Empire had the West not been saved to her. The line of possible settlement has been moving steadily northward in Canada since the days when the French King showed his contempt for it by calling it "a few arpents of snow." The St.

In the troubles of '37 the simple habitants thought they were fighting for the abolition of the seigneurs' dues. By the middle of the nineteenth century it had become almost as complete an anomaly as trial by combat. But the question of reform bristled with difficulties. Which were the rightful owners of the eight million arpents of land the seigneurs, or the censitaires?

Fighting's good enough when there's no help for it. But I call it a fool's plan to ride straight into a trap when you might go round it." "You may do what you like," said De Catinat angrily. "My father was a gentleman, the owner of a thousand arpents of land, and his son is not going to flinch in the king's service."

So these became long narrow strips, with the houses built so close together that the country side often seems like a continuous village. He paid also about one cent of rent for each superficial acre. Thus for a farm of 100 acres, with two arpents of frontage, a habitant might pay $1.00 in cash and two capons.

Men who had been members of the noblesse in France received tracts as large as a Teutonic principality, comprising a hundred square miles or more. Those of less pretentious birth and limited means had to be content with a few thousand arpents.

As the lots of a seigniorial grant were limited in area four arpents in front by forty in depth the farms in the course of time assumed the appearance of a continuous settlement on the river. These various settlements became known in local phraseology as Côtes, apparently from their natural situation on the banks of the river. This is the origin of Côte des Neiges, Côte St. Louis, Côte St.

So slowly did the work make progress, in fact, that in 1712, after fifty years of royal paternalism, the cultivable area of New France amounted to only 150,000 arpents, and at the close of the French dominion in 1760 it was scarcely more than twice that figure, in other words, about five arpents for each head of population.

M. Bourdon, the first Canadian surveyor-general, originally mapped out the seigniories in oblong shapes with very narrow frontage along the river a frontage of two or three arpents against a depth of from forty to eighty arpents and the same inconvenient oblong plan was followed in making sub-grants to the censitaire or habitant.

Their whitewashed cottages were strung along a short stretch of the river bank side by side, separated by a few arpents. Men, women, and children, the population of La Durantaye numbered only fifty-eight; sixty-four arpents had been cleared; and twenty-eight horned cattle were reported among the possessions of the habitants.

Boone Results of the application to Congress He receives one-eleventh part of his just claim He ceases to hunt Occupations of his declining years Mr. Harding paints his portrait. In consideration of his official services as Syndic, ten thousand arpents of excellent land were given to Colonel Boone by the Government.