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The Johanna Men on Board disswaded their accepting the Invitation; but Misson and Caraccioli, fearing nothing, went, but arm'd their Boat's Crew.

He advised us, by all means, to strike down the Country for Ronoack, and not think of Virginia, because of the Sinnagers, of whom they were afraid, tho' so well arm'd, and numerous.

Those that with haste will make a mighty fire, Begin it with weak straws: What trash is Rome, What rubbish, and what offal, when it serves for the base matter to illuminate So vile a thing as Caesar? But, O grief! Where hast thou led me? I perhaps, speak this BEFORE A WILLING BONDMAN: But I am arm'd And dangers are to me indifferent. Casca.

We pull'd first over the North Shore, where some Canoes came out to meet us, but as we came near them they retir'd to the Shore and invited us to follow them, but seeing they were all Arm'd I did not think fit to Except of their Invitation; but after Trading with them out of the Boat for a few Minutes we left them and went towards the head of the Bay.

At 2 p.m. the Pinnace return'd on board without landing, not but what it was practicable, but they did not think it Altogether safe with only one Boat, as it would have been attended with some danger on account of the Surf and Rocks upon the Shore. The Natives were Arm'd, and Shewd no Signs either of fear or Friendship.

The Clubs are made of a hard wood, and are about 8 or 9 feet long; the one half is made flatish with 2 Edges, and the other half is round and not thicker than to be easily grasped by the hand. The Lances are of various lengths, some from 12, 20 or 30 feet, and are generally Arm'd at the Small end with the Stings of Sting-rays, which makes them very dangerous weapons.

At 8 Tack'd in 36 fathoms, being then about 2 Leagues from land; stood off and on all night, having Gentle breezes. With this view we bore up for it, and sent 2 Boats in, Mann'd and Arm'd, to Examine the Watering Place, who returned about noon and conform'd the account the Natives had given.

I saw young Harry with his beaver on, His cuisses on his thighs, gallantly arm'd, Rise from the ground like feather'd Mercury. Only, with Shakespeare, the afterthought is immediate: They come like sacrifices in their trim. Will it never be to-day? I will trot to-morrow a mile, and my way shall be paved with English faces.

The pageant of history's retrospect shows us, ages since, all Europe marching on the crusades, those arm'd uprisings of the people, stirr'd by a mere idea, to grandest attempt and, when once baffled in it, returning, at intervals, twice, thrice, and again. An unsurpass'd series of revolutionary events, influences.

The red arm'd belle Here shows her tasty gown, proud to be thought The butterfly of fashion: and forsooth Her haughty mistress deigns for once to tread The same unhallow'd floor. `Tis hurry all And rattling cups and saucers. Waiter here, And waiter there, and waiter here and there, At once is call'd Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe on the right and Joe upon the left, For ev'ry vocal pipe re-echoes Joe.