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At that date there were about 165,000 Pawnees, Sioux, Cheyennes, and Arapahoes, who depended upon these buffaloes for their yearly food. They, too, have gone, but they have been replaced by twice or thrice as many white men and women, who have made the earth to blossom as the rose, and who can be counted, taxed, and governed by the laws of nature and civilization.

For, no doubt, it is caused by the irritation of the wounds," said the trapper. "If the Medicine Man of the Arapahoes was here, to pow-wow the disease, the young brave would live," said the chief. Physician. "That would only frighten him," said Edward, who had often seen this same mode of curing diseases exercised, and had no very high opinion of it.

"The Arapahoes have forgotten their chief," said Whirlwind, bitterly. "No, no: not forgotten him!" cried a young girl his sister bounding into the circle, and throwing herself, into his arms. "The Singing-Bird does not forget," said the chief, holding her tightly in his embrace. "We did not forget, but thought you dead!" they all cried, after fairly recovering from their panic.

The campaign to the north was planned with a view of going after all the northern Indians then at war the Arapahoes, North Cheyennes, and the different bands of the Sioux.

The language of the Arapahoes is so difficult, and its pronunciations so harsh and guttural, that no white man, it is said, has ever been able to master it. Even Maxwell the trader, who has been most among them, is compelled to resort to the curious sign language common to most of the prairie tribes. With this Henry Chatillon was perfectly acquainted.

He was married to an Arapahoe squaw, and his strange wooing and winning of the dusky maiden is a thrilling love-story. Among the maidens who came with the Arapahoes, when that tribe made a visit to "Brown's Hole" one winter for the purpose of trading with the whites, was a young, merry, and very handsome girl, named "Unami," who after a few interviews completely captured Baptiste's heart.

In the spring of 1868 we met the Crows in council at Fort Laramie, the Sioux at the North Platte, the Shoshones or Snakes at Fort Hall, the Navajos at Fort Sumner, on the Pecos, and the Cheyennes and Arapahoes at Medicine Lodge. To accomplish these results the commission divided up into committees, General Augur going to the Shoshones, Mr.

Henry Chatillon, with Shaw and myself, galloped toward them to reconnoiter, when to our amusement we saw the supposed Arapahoes resolved into the black tops of some pine trees which grew along a ravine. The summits of these pines, just visible above the verge of the prairie, and seeming to move as we ourselves were advancing, looked exactly like a line of horsemen.

The party consisted of about two hundred Cheyennes and a few Arapahoes, with twenty Sioux who had been visiting their friends, the Cheyennes. As near as could be ascertained, they organized and left their camps along Pawnee Creek about the 3d of August.

It was chiefly in the passes that led to the Utahs' country, that danger from Indians was to be apprehended in the valleys and ravines above mentioned where Cheyennes, Comanches, Pawnees, and Arapahoes were more likely to be met with than the Utahs themselves. We were not yet certain by which pass the caravan might cross the great Cordillera.