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The bulk of the Czech people were, of course, always solidly anti-Austrian. During the Balkan War the Czechs openly showed their sympathies with their brother Slavs who were struggling for liberty. The Clerical Party had comparatively little influence and prestige. In Bohemia and in the more developed districts of Moravia, people resist the efforts of the clergy to mix religion with politics.

Your marriage was a victory over the anti-Austrian party, for which the Duke de Choiseul never will be forgiven; and as for yourself, if you give them the opportunity, they will not scruple to take revenge upon your own royal person. The Count of Provence has a sharp tongue, and his aunts and himself will spare no means to wound or to injure you.

English Visitors at the Court. The King is compared to Louis XII. and Henri IV. The Archduke Maximilian visits his Sister. Factious Conduct of the Princes of the Blood. Anti-Austrian Feeling in Paris. The War of Grains. The King is crowned at Rheims. Feelings of Marie Antoinette. Her Improvements at the Trianon. Her Garden Parties there. Description of her Beauty by Burke, and by Horace Walpole.

It defended the interests of their class and acquired considerable influence among them. In national matters it subscribed to the programme of Bohemian independence, and its organs have during the present war adopted a courageous anti-Austrian attitude. In 1900 the so-called State Right Party was founded by some of the members of the former "Omladina."

Her rule was both harsh and unjust, and, as a result, her local governors were extremely unpopular. In 1386 the anti-Austrian feeling in Switzerland had grown to such a pitch that popular outbreaks against her authority were, in many centres, of frequent occurrence, and war appeared inevitable. From Lucerne came the final troubles that precipitated the country again into a conflict with Austria.

But he persists in it, orders Robinson to persist; knocks at the Austrian door with one hand, at the Prussian or Anti-Austrian with the other; and gazes, with those proud fish-eyes, into perils and potentialities and a sea of troubles. Wearisome to think of, were not one bound to it!

These hopes proved illusory, however, and so the eyes of all patriots turned more and more in the direction of Piedmont. This principality, which was part of the kingdom of Sardinia, ruled over by the semi-French house of Savoy, shared the northern plain of Italy with Austria, and at first showed neither anti-Austrian nor Liberal proclivities.

On July 23, however, before the investigation was completed, Austria sent an ultimatum to Servia demanding that it use every means in its power to punish the assassins and also to stop all further anti-Austrian propaganda. Austria demanded that she be permitted to have representatives in the work of investigation in Servia.

When Francis Joseph visited Prague in the same year, people left the city in crowds, anti-Austrian demonstrations were held throughout the country, and flowers were laid on the spot where prominent members of the Bohemian nobility had been executed by the Austrians in 1621. Vienna answered by fierce reprisals. Baron Koller was sent to Prague where a state of siege was proclaimed.

The people of Italy demanded that she throw her military as well as her moral support to the Allies. The matter had been threshed out in the Chamber of Deputies. Wild anti-German and anti-Austrian demonstrations were almost daily occurrences in the streets of Rome and other of the larger Italian cities. The people wanted war.