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"One is implicated in the other. Suppose the soul wished to be the son of an American Duke, naturally it would have to wait till aristocracy was developed across the Atlantic, say some time in the next century." "I see. And is there a public opinion in Ante-land that regulates private action?" "Yes, but I have now educated it to the higher ethics.

"Oh, as soon as a couple passes the P. D. and receives the P. C. they appear in the illustrated papers especially the ladies' papers. 'Graduates of the Week' is the heading. And then there is the P. T. the Pathological Tree." I looked at the publisher in perplexity. "Gracious! I forget this is your first visit to Ante-land," he said, apologetically. "Look!

What I perceived in Ante-land must needs be expressed through the language of this world, to which in effect it bears as true and constant a relation as the vibration of a violin string to its music. I soon gathered that, as Marindin had claimed, his doctrines had made considerable incursions in the last world, and, what was more surprising, in this.

"Don't you know I write for the unborn?" he counter-queried. "But they don't read you yet," I said, trying to smile. "My dear fellow! Why, I'm the best-read man in Ante-land. The unborn swear by me! My publishers, Fore and Futurus, are simply rolling in promissory notes." "You've become a Theosophist!"

Surely this would be the most rational way of settling the ever-menacing Franco-Prussian quarrel." "I observe already a certain anti-Gallic feeling in Ante-land," put in the publisher. "A growing disinclination to be born in France, if not a preference for being made in Germany. But these things belong to la haute politique"

Marindin's own unwritten books sustained Paley's thesis of the essentially equal distribution of happiness among all classes, and left it for the individual soul to decide between the realities of toil and the unrealities of prosperity, Marindin took the opportunity of our presence in Ante-land to pay a visit to his publishers, Fore and Futurus, of whose honesty and generosity he spoke in glowing terms.

I muttered sarcastically. "In your plane of existence!" he retorted. "In Ante-land the movement has spread widely; scarcely a soul but has become convinced of the evils of compulsion in this most personal matter, and of the necessity of having a voice in its own incarnation. And it is I, moi qui vous parle, who have sown the seeds of the revolt against our present social arrangements.

Then, as the publisher turned away to replace the P. Ts. in a safe, he added softly: "Intelligence is never likely to be so widely diffused in Ante-land that the masses would fight shy of birth. There would always be a sufficient proportion of unborn fools left who would prefer the palpabilities of bodily form to the insubstantialities of pre-natal existence.