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With a long wave autodyne, or self-heterodyne receptor, as this type is called, and a two-step audio-frequency amplifier you can clearly hear many of the cableless stations of Europe and others that send out long waves. For receiving long wave stations, however, you must have a long aerial a single wire 200 or more feet in length will do and the higher it is the louder will be the signals.

From this lead tap off a wire and connect it to the free terminal of the filament of the first amplifier tube, and finally connect the end of the lead with the free terminal of the filament of the second amplifier tube.

With the explosive charge safely hidden under Tom's blouse, they had a chance to fight back. It was a small chance, perhaps, but at least a chance. Outside, they walked slowly through the swirling methane ammonia and Tom edged closer to his unit mate. "Can you hear me, Astro?" he whispered through the mask amplifier. The big cadet simply nodded, keeping his eyes forward.

The Vacuum Tube Oscillator. As explained before you can use any amplifying tube that is made for a plate potential of 100 volts. The current required for heating the filament is about 1 ampere at 6 volts. A porcelain socket should be used for this tube as it is the best insulating material for the purpose. An amplifier tube of this type is shown at H and costs $6.50. The Storage Battery.

If you will buckle down and really study the problems confronting us for thirty days, we will set out at the end of that time, ready or not." "All x. I hate to do it, but we've been together too long to bust it up now," and Brandon turned toward his bench. Scarcely had he reached it when a series of dots and dashes roared from an amplifier.

The apparatus you need for this set includes: a loose coupled tuning coil, a variable condenser, two fixed condensers, a crystal detector, or better a vacuum tube detector, an A or 6 volt storage battery, a rheostat, a B or 22-1/2 volt dry cell battery, a fixed resistance unit, or leak grid as it is called, and a pair of head-phones. The Vacuum Tube Amplifier.

"I felt the same way," he thought reassuringly. "Sometimes. I still do. All I can tell you is what you've already found out for yourselves. It works. I'm told it's a sort of telepathic amplifier and radiator. But as I told you, I don't understand its principles. As to practice? I'm still meeting interesting people. So will you." He took off the headband.

"It is only when the amplifier of the wireless magnifies the sounds that we realize how many of them our ears fail to hear." "It's a downright mercy they do!" exclaimed Jerry. "You're right there, Jerry!" agreed Mr. Crowninshield. "But how do messages come through such a chaos?" Dick inquired. "Sometimes they don't," laughed Bob.

If you want to add an amplifier tube then connect it to the posts instead of the headphones as described in the foregoing set. All receiving sets that receive over a range of wave lengths of from 150 meters to 3,000 meters are called intermediate wave sets and all sets that receive wave lengths over a range of anything more than 3,000 meters are called long wave sets.

This done connect the negative, that is, the zinc pole of the B battery to the positive electrode of the A battery and connect the positive, or carbon pole of the former with one end of the grid leak and connect the other end of this to the plate of the amplifier tube. A Grid Leak Amplifying Receiving Set With Vacuum Tube Detector.