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I reckon it wouldn't do for you to be letting Preacher Allprayer hear ye say so; for he said one time with his own mouth and to me too, mind that! that I'd got the bestest disposition in the whole universal yarth o' creation under the sun!" and the voluble old lady paused to take breath.

Allprayer? him as used to preach all Sunday long, and pray all Sunday night, and never did nothing wrong though he did git turned out o' the meeting house arterward for getting drunk and swearing; but then the poor man cried and said it were nothing but a accident, which hadn't happened more nor ten times to him sence he'd bin a preacher of the everlasting gospel.

Allprayer war, to tell you you couldn't live any longer; and that when you died you'd jest go right straight to to " "Silence! you irrelevant boy, you!" Mr.

Younker adding, as a farewell speech, "That she hoped to gracious Peggy'd jest make Isaac as good a wife nor she had Ben, and then thar wouldn't never be no need o' having trouble;" and wound up by quoting the Rev. Mr. Allprayer as the best authority on the subject.

Allprayer used to say, when any body accused him o' doing any thing he hadn't oughter a done." "Mother," said Ella, feebly, "I feel faint; this shock, I fear, may be too much for my nervous system." "Oh! my child, darling, don't mind it every body knows your feelings and nobody'll think any thing strange on't.

Well, ef this arn't a queer world," resumed the good dame, catching breath meanwhile, "as Preacher Allprayer used to say, then maybe as how I don't know nothing at all about it." "Your dream war a very nateral one, Mrs.

"It's my opine, that ef Preacher Allprayer had lived with you as long as I have, he wouldn't repeat that thar sentence under oath," returned Younker, quietly. Then perceiving that a storm was brewing, he hastened to change the conversation, by addressing the stranger: "What cause have you, Mr. Williams, for speaking so discourageous o' the war?"

Well, its to be hoped you'll al'ays git bread enough to keep from starving, and that you won't fight nor quarrel more nor is necessitous as the Reverend Preacher Allprayer said, when he married me and Ben together. Ah! poor Ben! poor Ben! I'm a lone widder now. Well, the Lord's will be done!"

With him the good dame, his mother, sojourned for several years, as industrious and talkative as ever; and at last passed quietly from among the living, even while in the act of making a sublime quotation on the subject of dying from her favorite, the immortal Preacher Allprayer.

Well, Heaven's will be done! as Preacher Allprayer said, when they turned him out o' meeting for gitting drunk and swearing the dear good man! but I do wish, for gracious sake, I could only jest change places with 'em ef jest for five minutes and I reckon as how they'd be glad to quit their gibberish, and talk like Christian folks, once in thar sneaking lives!