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The flute stopped, the women were silent, and a splendid male voice was heard, in the Greek language: "When thy robe gleams on the terrace, the stars pale and the nightingales cease to sing, but in my heart there is stillness like that which is on earth when the clear dawn salutes it." "Aha-a! aha-a!" continued the women. The flute played again.

The last-named, as he jostled his way among the crowd, kept vociferating, viciously, virulently, and with a curious system of division of his syllables: "Aha-a, ra-abble, secta-arians. Yo-ou would have nothing to say to me, you Se-erbs! Yet I say to YOU: Go along, my chickens, for the re-est of us are ti-ired of you, and come to sa-ay so!"

"He would have to die, poor fellow, before he could light one lamp before the face of the goddess." At that moment a flute was heard in the villa, and some one played a plaintive air, which was accompanied by female singers, "Aha-a! aha-a!" as in the lullaby of infants.

The sea will divide us from pursuers, myrtle groves will conceal our fondling, and gods, more compassionate toward lovers, will watch over our happiness." "Aha-a! aha-a!" The prince dropped his eyelids and imagined. Through his drooping lashes he could not see the garden, he saw only the flood of moonlight in which were mingled shadows and the song of the unknown man to the unknown woman.

"Aha-a! aha-a!" "One day I stood among roses, which the gleam of thy glances clothe in white, gold, and scarlet. Each leaf of them reminded me of one hour, each blossom of one month passed at thy feet. The drops of dew are my tears, which are drunk by the merciless wind of the desert. "Give a sign; I will seize thee, I will bear thee away to my birthplace, beloved.

There stood Farmer Green with a broad smile on his face, and Johnnie Green with his mouth wide open and his eyes bulging. And with them was a dark-skinned man, short, and with rings in his ears, and a bright neckerchief tied about his throat. "Aha-a!" cried the little man. "Look-a da monk! He greed-a boy!" And picking Major Monkey up in his arms, jug and all, he patted him fondly, saying, "Ah-a!

"When Thou goest to the temple, violets surround thee in a cloud of fragrance, butterflies circle near thy lips, palms bend their heads to thy beauty." "aha-a! aha-a!" "When Thou art not before me, I look to the skies to recall the sweet calm of thy features. Vain labor! The heavens have no calm like thine, and their heat is cold when compared with the flame which is turning my heart into ashes."