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Dere's a Chile meat gompany owns de island, und grows sheep. Aboud a gouple of hundred kanakas chase de sheep. Ve vas dreaded vell mit de vimmen makin' luff und the kanakas glad mit it. Dere vas noding else to do. De manager he say no ship come for six months, und he vanted us to blant bodadoes, und ve had no tobacco.

You must have detected enough to mark a difference between an exceptionally well-dressed man and an Italian street musician." Berg shook his big head. "It was aboud twelve o'clock in the night-dime, und my customers besides I had to pay some attention to," stated he. The coroner was baffled by the man's positiveness. "Well," said he, resignedly. "What else did you see?"

I 'ave de righd to wadge dad man wad mague rimark aboud me dotter." "I never did no such a thing." "You did." "I never did no such a thing." "Bud you 'ave jus hacknowledge' " "I never did no such a thing, I tell ye, and the man that's told ye so is a liur!" "Ah-h-h-h!" said the old man, wagging his finger "Ah-h-h-h! You call Manuel Mazaro one liar?" The Irishman laughed out.

Maybe tventy-five years ago. Dings got all mixed up and my businesses got vorse und vorse. Und den my son ran avay und wrides me he become a sailor. So I vas alone." "Dis vatch," sighed Gustave, "is very hard to figx. It iss an old vatch und not much good to begin vit. But I figx him. Vat vas ve talking aboud? Oh, my business. Yes, yes. It goes like dat.

When he returned to their box-stall abode he triumphantly announced that "Old Griff" had surrendered with the one portentous sentence, "Ach! I vill see aboud this!" He found Tom sitting back against the board partition, arms about his drawn-up knees, sober and thoughtful. "Ain't gettin' cold feet, are you?" Archer asked. Tom looked at him, but did not speak.

"The reason I'm putting you on the first watch is because you're such a sleepyhead." "Don'd vorry aboud me," said Carl, with a yawn. "I pet you I vas der sleepinglessness feller in der whole bunch. If he gets avay on my vatch it vill not be pecause I don'd sleep." "I guess you mean all right, but I swear I can't understand you. Only keep awake." "Oh, yah; I avake keeping all der time."