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He died December B.C. 727, and another usurper, Ululâ, possessed himself of the throne, and assumed the name of Shalmaneser IV. His reign, however, was short. He died while besieging Samaria, which had revolted after the death of its conqueror, and in December B.C. 722, a third general seized the vacant crown.

In 1860, the year immediately preceding the rebellion, the deficiency amounted to $5,656,705.49, the postal receipts of that year being $2,645,722.19 less than those of 1863. The decrease since 1860 in the annual amount of transportation has been only about 25 per cent, but the annual expenditure on account of the same has been reduced 35 per cent.

By 1755 their fleets and catches equaled those of the French, and in 1768 passed them. Jefferson's statistics present an impressive picture of the fishing activity of that time and place, especially when compared with the unorganized Chesapeake fisheries just then coming of age. In 1791 he said there were 259 French vessels totaling 24,422 tons and employing 9,722 seamen.

In most of the original treaties, "talks," etc., preserved in the Archives of the State Department, where the translation is exact, the word "Big Knife" is used. Letter of John Penn, June 28, 1774. "Am. Arch.," IV., Vol. "Am. Archives," do., 465. Do., 722. Do., 872. "Am. Arch.," IV., Vol. I., p. 1015.

Instances are Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" and Stevenson's "Kidnapped." But whether in the first or third person, the story holds us by the magic of adventure. The day before Christmas, in the year of our Lord 722.

The dates of some of the most important historical events in this Section are as follow Menes, the first historic king of Egypt....... about 4000 B.C. Accession of Ramses II. to the Egyptian throne...... 1340 B.C. Rise of the Babylonian kingdom................ about 4000 B.C. Reign of Hiram at Tyre, and of Solomon........ about 950 B.C. Assyrian captivity: downfall of Israel............... 722 B.C. Fall of Nineveh...................................... 606 B.C. Babylonian captivity: downfall of Judah.............. 586 B.C. Reign of Cyrus begins................................ 559 B.C. Fall of Lydia: capture of Sardis..................... 546 B.C. Fall of Babylon...................................... 538 B.C. Reign of Darius begins............................... 521 B.C.

Legislature $13,426,805.73 $13,169,679.70 $13,169,679.70 $12,938,048.00 + $257,126.03 + $488,757.73 + $231,631.70 Executive 998,170.00 472,270.00 722,270.00 870,750.00 + 275,900.00 + 127,420.00 148,480.00 State Department: 4,875,576.41 4,875,301.41 4,749,801.41 5,046,701.41 + 125,775.00 171,125.00 296,900.00

On two sides of the harbour eleven forts and batteries were counted; one, which appeared to be the key to the entire works of the place, had its guns concealed from view, but in the other ten no fewer than 722 guns, mostly thirty-two pounders, were counted, half of which pointed seaward, and commanded the approach to the harbour; and the other half commanded the harbour, in which lay the Russian fleet itself.

As, however, there is no trace of the succession having been irregular or disputed, it is most probable that he was his son. He ascended the throne in B.C. 727, and ceased to reign in B.C. 722, thus holding the royal power for less than six years.

Legislature $13,426,805.73 $13,169,679.70 $13,169,679.70 $12,938,048.00 + $257,126.03 + $488,757.73 + $231,631.70 Executive 998,170.00 472,270.00 722,270.00 870,750.00 + 275,900.00 + 127,420.00 148,480.00 State Department: 4,875,576.41 4,875,301.41 4,749,801.41 5,046,701.41 + 125,775.00 171,125.00 296,900.00