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Kautsky, "Der Aufstand in Baden," in the Neue Zeit, 1910, p. 624. The Socialist Review, April, 1909. The Atlantic Monthly, July, 1911. The New York Call, Jan. 6 and 8, 1912. The New York Call, Jan. 9, 1912. "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," 1911 edition, pp. 114-116. "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," 1911 edition, pp. 14-15.

It was not till the twenty-eight years were over that the Medes were able, according to him, to renew their attacks on the Assyrians, and once more to besiege Nineveh. But this chronology is open to great objections. There is strong reason for believing that Nineveh fell about B.C. 625 or 624; but according to the numbers of Herodotus the fall would, at the earliest, have taken place in B.C. 602.

The number of post-offices on that day was 12,780 and on the 30th ultimo 13,028. The revenue of the Post-Office Department for the year ending with the 30th of June last was $4,476,638, exhibiting an increase over the preceding year of $241,560. The engagements and liabilities of the Department for the same period are $4,624,117.

Letter mails weighing 65,337,343 pounds yielded a revenue of $60,624,464. Periodical publications weighing 348,988,648 pounds yielded a revenue of $2,996,403.

The T'ang therefore tried to come to terms once more with the western Turks, who had been affronted by the assassination; but the negotiations came to nothing in face of an approach made by the eastern Turks to the western, and of the distrust of the Chinese with which all the Turks were filled. About 624 there were strong Turkish invasions, carried right up to the capital.

Rose's liability at $4,624.40, eventually covered by a one-half interest in the Beal-Steere Ethnological Collection, offered by Mr. Rice A. Beal and Mr. Joseph B. Steere, '68, afterward Professor of Zoölogy. Dr. Douglas was charged with the balance of about $1,000, which, however, was practically covered by sums which had been advanced by him for University and laboratory expenses. Eventually Dr.

What is remarkable, the parliament thought that the matter deserved their attention. * Whitlocke, p. 624. Harleian Miscellany, vol. vi. p. 399. One Dorcas Barberry made oath before a magistrate, that she had been dead two days, and that Naylor had brought her to life. * Harleian Miscellany, vol. vi. p. 399 Thurloe, vol v. p. 708.

See Riffel, p. 624. Riffel, p. 625. Ibid., pp. 629-35. See St. Riffel, p. 635. Mansi, xii. 1130. Riffel, 562. Photius, p. 155. Photius, 173. "The banner of the Church is ever flying! Less than a storm avails not to unfold The Cross emblazoned there in massive gold: Away with doubts and sadness, tears and sighing! It is by faith, by patience, and by dying That we must conquer, as our sires of old."

The independent kingdom of Assyria covered a space of at least a thousand years; but the empire can, at the utmost, be considered to have lasted a period short of seven centuries, from B.C. 1300 to B.C. 625 or 624 the date of the conquest of Cyaxares.

There were 621,754 of these applications allowed, including 60,178 to the soldiers of 1812 and their widows. The total amount paid for pensions since 1861 is $808,624,811.57. The number of new pensions allowed during the year ended June 30, 1886, is 40,857, a larger number than has been allowed in any year save one since 1861.