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The Land Dyaks have their lali days and the Sea Dyaks their pemate, these terms being the equivalents of taboo. +624+. Though there is no proof of the existence of all-pervading taboo systems among the peoples of Asia and America, there are notices of taboo regulations in particular cases in these regions.

In the Post-Office Department the service has increased in efficiency, and conditions as to revenue and expenditure continue satisfactory. The increase of revenue during the year was $9,358,181.10, or 6.9 per cent, the total receipts amounting to $143,382,624.34.

Infantry ....................... 22,437 Artillery ...................... 1,404 Cavalry ........................ 624 Aggregate ............. 24,465 Guns, 96 Army of the Ohio, Major-General SCHOFIELD. Infantry ....................... 11,183 Artillery....................... 679 Cavalry......................... 1,697 Aggregate .............. 13,559 Guns, 28. Grand aggregate, 98,797 men and 254 guns

In 1772, the old malt tax produced......... £722,023: 11: 11 The additional... £356,776: 7: In 1775, the old tax produced............... £561,627: 3: The additional... £278,650: 15: In 1774, the old tax produced ............ £624,614: 17: The additional....£310,745: 2: In 1775, the old tax produced ............£657,357: 0: The additional....£323,785: 12: £5,855,580: 12: Average of these four years .............. £958,895: 3: 0

Hereabouts the barren, stony, wilderness-like country betokens the region of the Causses. We are all this time winding round the rampart like walls of the great Causse de Larzac, which stretches from Le Vigan to Millau, rising to a height of 2,624 feet above the sea-level, and covering an area of nearly a hundred square miles. This Causse affords some interesting facts for evolutionists.

"Every vessel that goes through to Suez has to pay a round sum for the privilege." "Do all ships have to pay the same amount?" "Certainly not; for that would be very unfair. They pay by the ton; and every vessel carries a register, in which her tonnage is given. The Guardian-Mother's is 624 tons.

Thus in the place of Tiberius Gracchus there was appointed the father-in-law of his brother Gaius, Publius Crassus Mucianus; and after the fall of Mucianus in 624 and the death of Appius Claudius, the business of distribution was managed in concert with the young Gaius Gracchus by two of the most active leaders of the movement party, Marcus Fulvius Flaccus and Gaius Papirius Carbo.

At the close of the Revolution there had been twenty-four vessels lost, carrying 470 guns. Several of these met their fate through shipwreck. Contrast with this the loss of Great Britain, which was 102 war vessels, carrying in all 2,624 guns. The total vessels of all kinds captured from the English by our cruisers and privateers was about 800.

Like every carefully handled business, the Steel Corporation, Paid its running expenses, 2. Paid its fixed obligations, 3. Divided up its profits, 4. And kept a nest egg. The inventories value of property owned had increased from 1,192 millions to 2,624 millions of dollars; the gain in surplus, during the four years, was 1,941 millions; the increase in "working capital" was 1,876 millions.

From the first, forgetting its primitive democracy and purely moral claims, Buddhism lusted for power in the State. As early as A.D. 624, various grades were assigned to the priesthood by the government. The sects eagerly sought and laid great stress upon imperial favor. To this day they keenly enjoy the canonization of their great teachers by letters patent from the Throne. Ministers of Art.