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The suggestion is worthy of consideration whether the name 'seven directions of heaven and earth' may not also point to a conception of seven zones dividing the heavens as well as the earth. One is reminded of the 'seven' heavens of Arabic theology. Lit., 'house to be seen, Igi-e-nir. See, e.g., VR. 29, no. 4, 40, and Delitzsch, Assyr. Handwörterbuch, p. 262.

But it did not stop there; for, the business depression and the demand for the free and unlimited coinage of silver continuing, the withdrawal of gold went on, till the reserve was so low that bonds were repeatedly sold for gold wherewith to maintain it. In this wise, during 1894-95, $262,000,000 were added to our bonded debt.

The state- envoys sent to Syracuse in the year 262 transact business with Dionysius the elder, who ascended the throne eighty-six years afterwards . This naive uncritical spirit is especially apparent in the treatment of Roman chronology.

But in Mecklenburg, Pomerania, and probably elsewhere, villages have their own local Blocksberg, which is generally a hill or open place in the neighbourhood; a number of places in Pomerania go by the name of the Blocksberg. L. Lloyd, op. cit. pp. 261 sq. I.V. Zingerle, op. cit. p. 159, §§ 1353, 1355, 1356; W. Mannhardt, Der Baumkultus, p. 513. W. Mannhardt, l.c. Th. The Dying God, p. 262.

The vote for retaining it was 422,262; against, 568,382; the law repealed by a majority of 146,120. More votes were polled in 1917 than in 1914. The law was upheld in 15 counties, in 11 of which suffrage had then carried three times. Ohio suffragists now turned their attention entirely towards national work.

State the case fairly, and the maritime superiority of Liverpool will be found to be as decided as is its commercial. We ought also to add, that while the Custom-house returns for 1850 give Liverpool only 3,262,253 tons of shipping, the payment of rates to the Liverpool Dock Estate in the twelve months ending June 25, 1851, gives 3,737,666 tons, or nearly 500,000 tons more.

The Solicitor-General has brought a bill into Parliament for this purpose. The penalties for holding a meeting were £200 for the master of the house, £100 for the moderator of the meeting, and £50 for each of the servants at the door. Parl. Hist. xxii. 262, 279. St. Matthew, xxvii. 52. I Corinthians, xv. 37.

Reliable mortality statistics are given only in a part of the country, which is not to our credit. The population is reported in the volume as 92,309,348. The registration area, which is the area giving mortality statistics, contains 53,843,896 people. In this area the total deaths are as follows: Under one year.............. 154,373 Under ten years............. 235,262

Martin of Tours, the journey to Rome, and all the other events follow in detail, which Montalvan collected from Messingham, Messingham's chief authority being the Life of St. Patrick, by Jocelin. SCENE II., p. 262. The story of Luis Enius, as given by Calderon in this long address, seems to be entirely the invention of Montalvan.

Even Requesens was as much in doubt as to the King's secret purposes as Margaret of Parma had ever been in former times. Prinst., Archives, etc., v 259- 262; Bor, viii. 606, 615; Meteren, v. 100; Hoofd, g. 410. Count John of Nassau was distrustful and disdainful from the beginning.