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See Theses 5, 8, 85. Non solam plenam et largiorem, imo plenissimam omnium suorum concedemus et concedimus veniam peccatorum. Mirbt, Quellen, 2d ed., No. 243. This custom of putting the Jubilee-indulgences on sale seems to date from the year 1390. Cf. Lea, Hist. of Conf. and Indulg., III, 206. No mention is here made of the indulgences attached to adoration of the relics, etc.

But let them remember, that I do hereby enter my Caveat against this Piece of Raillery. No. 11. Tuesday, March 13, 1711. Steele. 'Dat veniam corvis, vexat censura columbas. Juv. Arietta is visited by all Persons of both Sexes, who may have any Pretence to Wit and Gallantry.

Topham Beauclerk came in the evening, and he and Dr. Johnson and I staid to supper. It was mentioned that Dr. HE certainly ought to be KICKED. JOHNSON. 'Sir, we all do this in some degree, "Veniam petimus damusque vicissim." To be sure it may be done so much, that a man may deserve to be kicked. BEAUCLERK. 'He is very malignant. JOHNSON. 'No, Sir; he is not malignant.

Idolatry, blasphemy, profanation of the Sabbath, perjury, adultery, &c., are overlooked, and not corrected nor reproved, nay, not so much as discountenanced in those who favour and follow the ceremonies; and if in the fellows and favourites, much more in the fathers. What if order be taken with some of those abominations in certain abject poor bodies? Dat veniam corvis, vexat censura columbas.

But the inextricable interweaving of his name with opinions sanctioned by the entire scientific world, is one of the noblest conceivable tributes to the magnitude and lustre of his renown. His death was in harmony with his life. Shortly before he expired he repeated these words: "Non parem Paulo gratiam requiro, Veniam Petri neque posco; sed quam In crucis ligno dederat latroni Sedulus oro."

It was mentioned that Dr. He certainly ought to be kicked. JOHNSON. 'Sir, we all do this in some degree, "Veniam petimus damusque vicissim ." To be sure it may be done so much, that a man may deserve to be kicked. BEAUCLERK. 'He is very malignant. JOHNSON. 'No, Sir; he is not malignant. He is mischievous, if you will.

The Prelate at the same time signing to his chaplain, the latter rose to withdraw, and receiving permission in the phrase "Do veniam," retreated reverentially, without either turning his back or looking upwards, his eyes fixed on the ground, his hands still folded in his habit, and crossed over his bosom.

At another time I should have thought of the old Latin adage, "Dat veniam corvis, vexat censure columbas"

"Nec protinus ausi Coelicolae, veniam donee pater ipse sedendi Tranquilla jubet esse manu."

"Do veniam," said his Superior; and the old man seized, with a trembling hand, a beverage to which he had been long unaccustomed; drained the cup with protracted delight, as if dwelling on the flavour and perfume, and set it down with a melancholy smile and shake of the head, as if bidding adieu in future to such delicious potations. The brothers smiled.