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"There has been little said about that," responded Mabel, reddening then rallying to add smilingly "such an arrangement would have involved the taking for granted a good many things your consent among them." Winston passed over the addenda. "But that little, especially when uttered by Mr. Chiiton, trenched upon the inexpediency of long engagements did it not?" Mabel was mute, her eyes downcast.

The ancient and national legal rights of the people were consequently widely trenched upon.

We thought it had been some precious heirloom, and were astonished to hear that it had been found sticking on a carrot dug up on her property a few years previously. Probably it had been lying pretty deep in the ground, and had been brought towards the surface when the land was trenched, so that the carrot had grown through it.

Because every man has had to stand in an unchristian and isolated position, apart from and jealous of his brother-man: constantly afraid of his rights being trenched upon? 'I only state the fact.

While the operations of the mortar-makers continued, the forge upon the gallery was not generally in use; but, as the working hours of the builders extended with the height of the building, the forge could not be so long wanted, and then a sad confusion often ensued upon the circumscribed floor of the mortar gallery, as the operations of Watt and his assistants trenched greatly upon those of the smiths.

Suppose you tell him that I shall march to-morrow straight for his camp, and in ten days be upon him." "You'd be a fool, colonel, to do that, and he 'trenched so strongly, unless you had twenty thousand men." "I haven't got that number. Guess again." "Well, ten thousand." "That will do for a guess. Now to-day I shall keep you locked up, and to-morrow you can go back to Marshall."

And still that soul-inviting exhilaration of the air aroused those ecstacies within her spirit that she had not known were there. They were nearing the summit of the pass. It was still a thousand feet below the snow. To the left a mighty chasm trenched the adamant, its bottom lowered away to depths of mysterious blue.

To give it more body, or to cross it with a necessary and supplementary element, a whole field is often trenched by the spade as clean as one could be furrowed by the plough. By this process the substratum of clay is thrown up, to a considerable thickness, upon the light, black, almost volatile soil, and mixed with it when dry; thus giving it a new character and capacity of production.

Little, however, as Philip II. was pleased with many of its articles, which trenched too closely upon his own rights, for no monarch was ever more jealous of his prerogative; highly as the pope's assumption of control over the council, and its arbitrary, precipitate dissolution had offended him; just as was his indignation at the slight which the pope had put upon his ambassador; he nevertheless acknowledged the decrees of the synod, even in its present form, because it favored his darling object the extirpation of heresy.

I fear that in these last paragraphs I may have trenched on dangerous ground, but it is not possible to go to such places as Oropa without asking oneself what they mean and involve. As for the average Italian pilgrims, they do not appear to give the matter so much as a thought.