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The boy was in a state of extreme shock, having a weak, almost imperceptible pulse; his respirations were shallow and rapid, and his temperature subnormal.

Saner preparation for life as a whole must take the place of the lingering emphasis on the pedagogical orthodoxy still holding sway. While industry is not responsible for many conditions which make subnormal workers, industry cannot evade the issue or shift the burden if it desires peace, efficiency, production. These goals cannot be obtained on any basis other than the welfare of the workers.

=Hospitals cited.= Our hospitals for abnormal and subnormal children, and our eleemosynary institutions, in general, are a sad commentary upon our civilization and something of a reflection upon the school as an exponent of and a teacher of life.

The adventures of the personality, strung along as the episodes of his career, his friendships and sex reactions, his mishaps and diseases, and the final fate or fortune that overtakes him, be he normal, subnormal, supernormal, or abnormal, begin to become comprehensible, and hence controllable.

These things were of practically no value, for the body had apparently been drawn a great distance below normal and all the hell of a subnormal state had to be endured before it could gradually come into its own again. In the meantime he was continuing his passional relations with Angela, in spite of a growing judgment that they were in some way harmful to him.

If the temperature is subnormal, that is, below the normal or regular body temperature, the packs should be applied in such a manner that a warming effect is produced, that is, less wet cloths and more dry covering should be used, and the packs left on the body a longer time before they are renewed. More detailed instruction will be given in subsequent pages.

Pituitary inferior: Small, sometimes delicate skeleton Rather adipose, weak muscles Upper jaw prognathous Dry, flabby skin Small hands and feet Abnormal desire for sweets Subnormal temperature, blood pressure and pulse Poor control of lower vegetative functions Mentally sluggish, dull, apathetic, backward Loses self-control quickly, cries easily, discouraged promptly, psychic stamina insufficient

The number of layers of wet linen and dry covering is determined by the vitality of the patient, the height of his temperature and the particular object of the application, which may be to lower high temperature to raise the temperature when subnormal to relieve inner congestion to promote elimination.

The Bogue Test: If the usual entrance examination does not bring out all of the essential facts regarding the case, the stammerer is then put through the Bogue Test an original system of diagnosis which I perfected some years ago by means of which the peculiarities of the trouble are brought out, the NORMAL, the SUBNORMAL and the ABNORMAL condition of the disorder is gauged and the most minute details of the trouble are disclosed.

The finger nails often show venous stasis. In these cases the blood pressure is subnormal, the pulse may be hardly perceptible, and there is none of the tension of the body from fear. The patient may be fearful, but lie is completely collapsed. Such an attack may occur suddenly in a heart that is perfectly compensating, or it may accompany general edemas and dropsies.