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And the Lost Souls' Hotel might be the means of patching up many wrecked lives in that way giving people with pasts the chance of another future, so to speak." "I suppose you'd have music and books and pictures?" I said. "Oh, yes," said Mitchell. "But I wouldn't have any bitter or sex-problem books. They do no good. Problems have been the curse of the world ever since it started.

On board ship people drift; they drift into flirtation which rapidly becomes either love-making or a sex-problem; they drift into drinking or, if they have no such native weakness, they become back-biting and bad tempered. Marcella found herself drifting like the rest. A letter to Dr.

I had been surreptitiously tearing some carefully-written slips of manuscript leaves taken from an old pocket-book into small pieces; I dropped them, with apparent carelessness, into the fire and stood with my back to it. "I'll bet five pounds," said Mitchell, suddenly, "that you've been trying your hand on a sex-problem story."

The result will be complete loss of the stealthy suggestiveness which has made concealed sexuality so dangerously attractive to the type of mind that revels in the modern sex-problem novels. We want no such suggestive concealment in a scheme of sex-education, for it aims at a purer and higher understanding of sex in human life.

We find this tendency in the demand for a certain type of sex-problem novels, we see it frequently on the stage and in motion pictures, and we hear it in general conversation. The advertised suggestion of sexual immorality in a forthcoming serial novel often raises surprisingly the circulation of certain magazines. A few hints of sexual irregularity in certain plays have brought crowded audiences.

This statement, indisputable as it is, will nevertheless start a chain of thought which may lead to confusion; and it is because of this tendency to confusion that the real issue is so frequently avoided. But let us see if we may not dispel the confusion by a system of logical deduction. One thing is certain. The present condition of the Sex-problem is sadly chaotic.

Even among Americans he was rare in his gift of according to women equality not only of liberty, but of understanding and good sense, and it went like wine to the heads of some we had met, so that Will was seldom without a sex-problem on his hands and ours. But Will was too good a comrade to be surrendered to any woman lightly.

Pick up the average one and ask yourself whether this crafty and malodorous sex-problem be not a deliberately commercial speculation a frenzied attempt to "sell" by scandalizing our unscandalizable, because hermaphroditic, middle classes?

And the rotten 'sex-problem' sort of thing is the cause of it all; it poisons weak minds and strong ones too sometimes. "Why, you could make a problem out of Epsom salts. You might argue as to why human beings want Epsom salts, and try to trace the causes that led up to it.