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Winslow returned from his club, where he usually spent an hour over the papers every afternoon, and at once asked for his nephew. To his astonishment Mr. Needham informed him that Mr. Schwarz had not yet returned. This seemed a little strange, and Mr. Winslow, with a slightly anxious look in his face, went into the inner office in order to consult his junior partner. Mr.

A Bellini became a Rondinelli; and the names of a dozen obscure, and lately discovered painters, freely applied to the Tintorets, Mantegnas and Cimas on the walls, produced such an effect on Herr Schwarz that he sat down open-mouthed on the central ottoman, staring first at the pictures and then at the speaker; not knowing whether to believe or to doubt.

With his music in his hand, he turned to Schwarz, to learn what success he had had, from the master's face. According to custom, Schwarz shook hands with him; he also nodded, but he did not smile. He was, however, in a hurry; the old: white-haired director had left his seat, and stood waiting to speak to him.

Schaum, H., on the elytra of Dytiscus and Hydroporus. Scherzer and Schwarz, measurements of savages. Schelver, on dragon-flies. Schiodte, on the stridulation of Heterocerus. Schlegel, F. von, on the complexity of the languages of uncivilised peoples. Schlegel, Prof., on Tanysiptera. Schleicher, Prof, on the origin of language.

While Schwarz, the sonata over, was busy with his pencil on the margin of the music, Dove leaned over to Maurice and whispered behind his hand: "Furst our best pianist."

She went into particulars about her increasing dissatisfaction with Schwarz, and retailed the glowing accounts she heard on all sides of a teacher called Schrievers. He was not on the staff of the Conservatorium; but he had been a favourite of Liszt's, and was attracting many pupils.

Instead, we are going to Frau Schwarz', to listen to cold ham and scorched compote eaten in six different languages." Harmony made no immediate reply. He seemed to expect none. She was drawing on her gloves, her eyes, like his, roving over the crowd. Far back among the tables a young man rose and yawned. Then, seeing Byrne, he waved a greeting to him.

To my dearly-beloved brothers and sisters in ‘Abdu’l-Bahá the members of the National Spiritual Assembly, Care of the Secretary, Mrs. Consul Schwarz, Stuttgart, Germany.

As the private lessons Schwarz gave were too expensive for him, he decided, as a compromise, to take a course of extra lessons with Furst, who prepared pupils for the master, and was quite willing to come to terms, in other words, who taught for what he could get.

You see, I have seen a good many. "Now, of course, poor young Schwarz had not seen very many Bank of England notes. He could not have told whether one 'w' in Mr. Bowen's signature is better than another, but, though he did not speak English nearly as fluently as his pompous interlocutor, he understood every word of the appalling statement the latter had just made.