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He wants to kill and he does kill. Well, he is but an atom an individual. Now, can you imagine what it will mean when a whole class of people, men and women, are forced to one common condition the lust for blood? The individual lusts, and so will the mass. The rage of the mass will be the same as the fury of the individual. It will be just like one tremendous man of many parts rioting for "

And if Roger had been privileged in youth to have fed upon the wisdom of the Eton Latin grammar, he could have now quoted with some experimental unction the "Crescit Amor" line, which every body well knows how to finish. Truly, it was growing with his growth, and rioting in strength above his weakness.

A not dissimilar excitement in London in the same years found no other means of expressing itself than bloody rioting. It was American republicanism showing its strongest aspect in political resistance. The issue thus presented to the British government was one demanding the most careful consideration and far-seeing wisdom in its treatment.

A piercing scream importunately bored into the mother's ears "Rioting against the emperor, against his Majesty the Czar? No, no?" Agitated people flashed quickly past her, a dark lava stream of men and women, carried along by this song, which cleared every obstacle out of its path. Growing in the mother's breast was the mighty desire to shout to the crowd: "Oh, my dear people!"

Then Jinnie sat down again, listening as the elements kept up their continuous rioting, and after a while they lulled her to rest. Suddenly her head dropped softly on the bundle in her arms, and the three Peggy, Jinnie and the tiny Jewish baby slept. Jinnie's name, spoken in low tones, roused her quickly. She raised her head, a sharp pain twisting her neck.

By a rumor that their foremost companions were rioting in the spoils of his capital, Soliman tempted the main body to descend into the plain of Nice: they were overwhelmed by the Turkish arrows; and a pyramid of bones informed their companions of the place of their defeat.

Bostwick had been staring straight ahead, with a dazed expression; but now, catching the senator's eye, she bowed gracefully and began reciting "The Charge of the Light Brigade" in forceful tones. The senator shuddered. Such disgraceful rioting he had never seen nor heard before in a decent private family.

The temple was the first victim of this rioting. The soldiers of the Emperor Titus promptly set fire to this center of the old Jewish faith. But the city of Jerusalem was spared. Palestine however continued to be the scene of unrest.

But it was closed now, and others, despite the injunctions of United States courts and the efforts of the Federal officials, found it practically useless to attempt to force even the mail trains through the rioting districts. Such was the peril to life and limb that trained engineers and firemen refused to serve, and those who dared were in some cases kicked and beaten into pulp.

The flimsy fabric of credit that had grown with no man foreseeing, and that had held those hundreds of millions in an economic interdependence that no man clearly understood, dissolved in panic. Everywhere went the airships dropping bombs, destroying any hope of a rally, and everywhere below were economic catastrophe, starving workless people, rioting, and social disorder.