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At this time the Eddystone was perceived to be driving with rapidity towards some of the larger masses; the stern-boats of this ship and of the Wear were despatched to assist in towing her clear of them.

She spoke with alarming rapidity, her words tumbling over one another in a cascade of volubility delightful to hear but difficult to follow. She had a strong mind masterly in her methods of business so that she could serve six customers at once and make each one think that her attention was entirely devoted to his needs and a very shrewd and critical idea of military strategy and organization.

This change of temperature brought numerous deaths with it, and corruption was developed with frightful rapidity in the warm dampness which was kept in by the sides of the mountain. The drizzle that fell upon the corpses softened them, and soon made the plain one broad tract of rottenness.

But neither the Theses nor the results which followed them could be confined to Wittenberg. Contrary to Luther's expectation and to his great surprise, they circulated all through Germany with a rapidity that was startling.

With fearful rapidity the conflagration spread, up the hills, across the plains, sweeping over the plantations and destroying the dwellings of the unfortunate inhabitants. It seemed impossible that a single human being could escape. For some hours we watched the dreadful scene. "If you will give me leave, sir, I'll go in and try to save some of the poor people," said the first mate.

"Do you want a stretcher?" The rapidity with which he asked these questions, and his eager manner, quite startled her, and she was for a moment unable to tell her errand. "Speak up, girl speak up! Do you want a stretcher is it burnt or run over. Can't you speak, eh?"

Of these Mr Quilp delivered himself with the utmost animation and rapidity, and with so many distortions of limb and feature, that even his wife, although tolerably well accustomed to his proficiency in these respects, was well-nigh beside herself with alarm.

They were circling, weaving about each other with incredible rapidity like scores of great pyramids crowned with gigantic turrets and dancing. From these turrets came vivid flashes, lightning bright on their wake the rolling echoes of faraway thunder.

The rate of motion in waterspouts varies. Sometimes they revolve slowly, sometimes with the utmost rapidity. They often produce violent noise, as, indeed, might be expected; and they are generally accompanied by thunder and lightning, though not invariably so, for they are sometimes observed when the heavens are clear and the sea calm.

All things that had ever lived seemed to come and dwell in my heart, and I in theirs; and I had never again known mortality or tears, had I not suddenly fallen from the certainty of vision into the uncertainty of dream, and become a drop of molten gold falling with immense rapidity, through a night elaborate with stars, and all about me a melancholy exultant wailing.