United States or Pitcairn Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He's in the bushes there under the morning glories." "Well, if it's your dog Roly I would not be so frightened of HIM," said Sammie. "Only I thinked he was a LION." "Here, Roly! Roly-Poly, come on out!" cried Hal, and out came a very queer-looking dog indeed. It was Roly, but how he had changed. He was all stuck over with leaves, grass and bits of bark from the trees.

"That's like a trick picture I heard about, taken on two plates," said Giant. "It was one of a man wheeling himself in a wheelbarrow." "I know of three fellows who took a queer-looking picture," said Whopper. "Now, this is true," he continued, noticing the others look of doubt. "They got an oilcloth sign, a square one, and then one fellow got up on another fellow's shoulders.

Pieces of dried seaweed, scraps of coral, strings of queer-looking beads, and even dried and stuffed fish, were arranged on the mantelpiece and on every available bracket and shelf. She was eager to know where all these treasures had come from, and how they had found their way to the Low Farm, but she did not dare to question Mrs. Shaw.

At sight of Gabriella she paused breathlessly, and said with undisguised nervousness: "A very queer-looking person who says she was sent by your mother has just come to see you, dear a seamstress of some kind, I fancy. As she looked quite clean, I let her go upstairs to the nursery to wait for you. I hope you don't mind. She was so eager to see the baby."

What would a steam-engine be without a crank? I suppose the first fool that looked on the first crank that was ever made asked what that crooked, queer-looking thing was good for. When the wheels got moving he found out. Tell us something about that book which has so much to say concerning cranks."

Just as had been done many times before this day, a queer-looking machine was shoved out from the shed, gliding along the wooden ways prepared for that express purpose, while Professor Featherwit hurried aboard a few articles which past experience warned him might prove of service in the hours to come, then sharply cried to his nephews: "Get aboard, lads!

"No, Captain, I have enough to do with my music and my doves." "That is your affair. The long-necked one yonder is a queer-looking fellow." "And of what country is he probably a native? There he goes to join the others. Watch him a little while and then answer me." "Ask King Soloman that; he was on intimate terms with birds." "Only watch him, you'll find out presently."

Just get up and see how nice it is; you see the back is cushioned, and the elbows, as well as the seat; it's queer-looking, ain't it? but it's very comfortable. Wasn't it good of him?" "It was very kind, I think. But do you know, Ellen, I am going to have a quarrel with you?" "What about?" said Ellen. "I don't believe it's anything very bad, for you look pretty good-humoured, considering."

There were two open spaces, one on each side of the island, and Rob saw that these spaces were occupied by queer-looking huts built from brushwood and branches of trees. This showed that the island was inhabited, but as Rob had no idea what island it was he wisely determined not to meet the natives until he had discovered what they were like and whether they were disposed to be friendly.

"That pretty, queer-looking half-wild girl whom I saw in church on Sunday?" "The same; she is the daughter of Major Sharston, a very estimable man." "Sharston, Sharston, I should think he is. Why, he is an old brother officer of mine; we served together in the time of the Crimea. Anything wrong with Sharston! What's up, my dear madam, what is up!" "Well, it's just this," said Mrs. Clavering.