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Although we have made the African negro hitherto talk in his own mixed jargon, yet, as we consider that, in a long narration, it will be tedious to the reader, we shall now translate the narrative part into good English, merely leaving the conversation with which it may be broken in its peculiar dialect.

and she fainted on Reginald's breast! He continued his narration in excited dumb-show his lips moving as though he were speaking. A prairie on fire is one of the wildest and grandest sights that can be possibly imagined. These fires occur of course in the summer when the grass is dry as tinder and the flames rush and roar over the prairie in a manner frightful to behold.

Once launched into his narration, Johnny spared nothing, and, at the end, rather glorified himself for having taken matters into his own hands, and administered condign punishment to the culprit upon the spot; nor did he deem it necessary to apologize to the grandfather for having done so, neither did Captain Yorke seem to expect this, or to think that he was not perfectly justified in all that he had done.

It surprised me that every one in the class did not receive the prize that I had won without great effort, for translation was extraordinarily easy for me. On the other hand I found composition very difficult, and narration still more so.

In the third place, they bring in instead of narration some texts of Scripture, but handle them cursorily, and as it were by the bye, when yet it is the only thing they should have insisted on. And fourthly, as it were changing a part in the play, they bolt out with some question in divinity, and many times relating neither to earth nor heaven, and this they look upon as a piece of art.

Leaving her and Oliver to compare notes at leisure, Mr. Brownlow led the way into another room; and there, heard from Rose a full narration of her interview with Nancy, which occasioned him no little surprise and perplexity. Rose also explained her reasons for not confiding in her friend Mr. Losberne in the first instance.

Before I continue my narration, I must add one remark, which the Lord gave me to make upon the way by which He, in His goodness, was pleased to conduct me; which is, that this obscure path is the surest to mortify the soul, as it leaves it not any prop to lean upon for support.

Postponing descriptive or aesthetic criticism of the Sistine frescoes, I shall proceed with the narration of their gradual completion.

Skratdj, from behind his newspaper. "Why, my dear William, his hair's gray," said Mrs. Skratdj. "Plenty of men are gray at thirty," said Mr. Skratdj. "I knew a man who was gray at twenty-five." "Well, forty or thirty-five, it doesn't much matter," said Mrs. Skratdj, about to resume her narration. "Five years matters a good deal to most people at thirty-five," said Mr.

And what more shall I say: for the time would fail me if I should make a narration concerning Gideon, and Barac, and Sampson, and Jephtha, and David, and Samuel, and the prophets: who by faith vanquished kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, extinguished the force of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, they were made strong out of weakness, became mighty in battle, routed the armies of aliens.