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He saw little of the efforts of the other side; but Peppermore agreed with Tansley that the opposition would leave no stone unturned in the task of beating him. The Monitor was all for Brent Peppermore's proprietor was a Progressive; a tradesman who had bought up the Monitor for a mere song, and ran it as a business speculation which had so far turned out very satisfactorily.

Meanwhile the Cochrane had by this time circled round, and was running on a course parallel to that of the monitor, and at the same time driving her toward her consort, so that the unfortunate ship was now between two fires. Crash! crash! roared the guns as the two Chilian ironclads converged upon their quarry; and so excellent was their gunnery that every shot told.

On the 29th of December, 1862, nine months after her memorable combat with the Merrimac, the Monitor, Commander John P. Bankhead, left Hampton Roads in tow of the Rhode Island, commanded by Captain Stephen Decatur Trenchard, for Beaufort, North Carolina.

The good soul that goes to the city of the dead, and continues to live much as on earth. The gimokud tebang, or bad soul, becomes a Buso after death. The "lion" is borrowed from some foreign source, since in the Philippines there are no large carnivorous mammals. A semi-aquatic lizard of the Philippines that lays edible eggs, and otherwise answers to the description of the Varanus, or Monitor.

Thou art my monitor, I am a fool; They learn may, that to spiders go to school. But all this while, where's he whose golden rays Drives night away and beautifies our days? Where's he whose goodly face doth warm and heal, And show us what the darksome nights conceal? Where's he that thaws our ice, drives cold away? Let's have him, or we care not for the day.

The three boats were finally loaded and made their way back to the ship. In the mean while the Rhode Island, in backing her engines, had fouled the hawser with her port paddle-wheel, and being directly to windward of the Monitor, with her engines helpless, drifted down upon her.

And, friendly relations being established, Yetta's craving for monitorship grew with the passing days. When she expressed to Teacher her willingness to hold office she was met with unsatisfying but baffling generalities. "But surely I shall let you be monitor some day. I have monitors for nearly everything under the sun, now, but perhaps I shall think of something for you."

On the other hand, when a sudden pungent scent and a rustle among the twigs set Finn leaping forward after the strangest-looking beast his eyes had ever seen, Jess joined with him, in a good-humoured, rather indifferent manner, and between them they just missed a big "goanner," as Bill called the iguana, or Gould Monitor.

One of them splashed into the sea directly astern of the Monitor. "We will have to act quickly now," urged McClure as he rang for full speed. So far, so good; not a mine had been encountered. The Monitor was worming her way unmolested into the heart of the enemy stronghold!

"For he has been the monitor and friend Of our Kaiánian ancestors; his care Enriched their minds, and taught them to be brave; And he was ever faithful to their cause.