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Evelyn was very still for a moment, and then she said: "I'm very sorry for it all. It must be some misunderstanding." "Of course, it is dreadful to be so disappointed in people. But we have to learn. I don't know anything about his misunderstanding, but I did not misunderstand what he said. At any rate, after such an exposition we can have no further intercourse with him.

Shall we leave it like that?" "Thank you very much." She got up, and so did he. "Of course," she said, "if I do have to say no after all I don't think I shall but if I do, I know you'll understand, and pass us without disturbing my husband. As a doctor, you won't misunderstand me." "Certainly not." She pulled at her veil again. "Well, then " She held out her hand.

Forgive me if I have acted and spoken too much like a child to-night, and do not misunderstand me. Circumstances have brought us together in a strange way, and while I live I shall remember you with respect and gratitude.

I'm sure her intentions are very good indeed, and it must be trying to live among people who have no sympathy with you. They make sad fun of her, and altogether misunderstand her at least I think so." The snowstorm still raged. To spare their own horses, the Liversedges had come in a cab, and at half-past five the same vehicle returned to take them home. Lilian was sorry to see them go.

"That you do not like to have your affairs meddled with by a woman," she said, into the fireplace. "I give you the credit to believe that you are too clever to misunderstand me, Madame," I said. "You must know that your help is most welcome." At that she swung around and regarded me strangely, mirth lurking in her eyes. She seemed about to retort, and then to conquer the impulse.

The Mohamedans have been praising it as the best of their sanctuaries! I speak thus to you because I am sure you will not misunderstand me. And because I know you, the British, to be a race of the world-wide spirit, I dare to make this appeal to you. Look to the Holy Wisdom! Look beyond Peter, and Paul, and John through them and still beyond them!

I dare say I may have to return to this point by-and-by; but having dealt thus far with our logical methods, I must now turn to something which, perhaps, you may consider more interesting, or, at any rate, more tangible. Here, let me say at once, lest some of you misunderstand me, that I have extremely little to report.

This was not because of what I had said, though no one present, and he least of all, could be fool enough to misunderstand it, but because of its effect on him. Then, as now, blood flowed like water on far lighter occasions than this, and Brocton, with all his faults, was a ready fighter.

I mention this that you may not misunderstand my motive in speaking to you as I am about to do. I have, during my short sojourn in this town, conceived a strong friendship for a certain young and guileless girl, by name Amanda Brandini." "Amanda! Yes!" "Amanda is your cousin?" "She is." "I wish to know, is this the only relationship in which you stand to her?

Suppose the young woman well, supposing is awfully destructive of enterprise; and as for me, I had only to misunderstand the professor's opinion. I went to the house, and talked to Mr. Poynter about his gout. Then Mrs. Poynter came in, and began to lament her niece's declining health. After that I saw Miss Poynter.