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Melmotte had been very savage with her about the money, and had loudly accused Sir Felix of stealing it. The repayment he never mentioned, a piece of honesty, indeed, which had showed no virtue on the part of Sir Felix. But even if he had spent the money, why was he not man enough to come and say so?

Who has been elected, Mr Montague? Paul knew nothing about the election, and cared very little. At that time, however, the election had not been decided. 'I suppose it will make no difference to you whether your chairman be in Parliament or not? Paul said that Melmotte was no longer a chairman of his.

Not if I know it. Why should it be bu'st up? D'you think we're all going to smash there because a fool like Melmotte blows his brains out in London? 'He took poison. 'Or p'ison either. That's not just our way. I'll tell you what I'm going to do; and why I'm over here so uncommon sharp. These shares are at a'most nothing now in London. I'll buy every share in the market.

This, too, was in the early days of the arrangement of the Melmotte affairs, when Mr Longestaffe's heart had been softened by that arrangement with reference to the rent. Mr Brehgert came, and there arose a somewhat singular conversation between the two gentlemen as they sat together over a bottle of Mr Longestaffe's old port wine.

Melmotte was to have been summoned before the Lord Mayor to-day on some charge of fraud; but it was postponed. And I was told this morning that Nidderdale still means to marry the girl. I don't think anybody knows the truth about it. But in all this there was nothing about Hetta.

But where was he to turn, and what was he to do with himself? Gradually he learned the whole story of the journey to Liverpool, how Marie had gone there and had been sent back by the police, how Marie's money had been repaid to Mr Melmotte by Mr Broune, and how his failure to make the journey to Liverpool had become known. He was ashamed to go to his club. He could not go to Melmotte's house.

He had more than once been in his own study in Bruton Street since Mr Melmotte had occupied the house, by that gentleman's leave, having left various papers there under his own lock and key. Indeed it had been matter of agreement that he should have access to his own study when he let the house.

When the time came at which I should pay it, stocks were so depreciated that it was impossible to sell. Very hostile proceedings are threatened against me now. Accusations are made, false as hell, Mr Melmotte as he spoke raised his voice and looked round the room 'but which at the present crisis may do me most cruel damage.

He was a man of infinite pluck; but outward humility at any rate at the commencement of an enterprise, was the rule of his life. 'I am the Rev. Mr Barham, said the visitor. 'I am the priest of Beccles in Suffolk. I believe I am speaking to Mr Melmotte. 'That's my name, sir. And what may you want?

Brehgert had seen Croll after he, Melmotte, had left the City, had then discovered the forgery, and had taken this way of sending back all the forged documents. He had known Brehgert to be of all men who ever lived the most good-natured, but he could hardly believe in pure good-nature such as this. It seemed that the thunderbolt was not yet to fall.