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Give me your word, and I shall be satisfied. Go and fetch the woman." The office-boy came in. "Felix, send away the gendarmes," said Monsieur de Granville. Jacques Collin was conquered. In this duel with the magistrate he had tried to be the superior, the stronger, the more magnanimous, and the magistrate had crushed him.

He was rather passionate in his temper, impatient of contradiction, and quick in his resentments; but, upon any ingenuous concession, was placable and ready to admit an apology. To the humble offender he was reconcilable, and to the submissive, magnanimous.

Usually merciless in his treatment of an aggressive adversary, he not infrequently displayed generous and even magnanimous traits.

He had made his great fortune out of the work of the men employed as slaves, and she turned away to the window with a dejected air. For the first time the real weight of the problem pressed upon her heavily. "Perhaps you would like to see him," said Dicky. "It might show that you were magnanimous." "Magnanimous! It will look like that in a mud-cell, with mud floor, and a piece of matting."

As the only national party in the Republic, the Democracy had a great mission to perform, for in his opinion "no less than the integrity of the Constitution, the preservation and perpetuity of the Union," depended upon the result of this election. No man could have been more magnanimous under defeat and so little resentful at a personal slight.

But it was a magnanimous godship; and, after a moment's leaning back with closed eyes, to draw in all the sweet incense, how nobly would he act, in imaginative vignette, the King Cophetua to this poor suppliant of love; with what a generous waiving of his power and with what a grace! did he see himself raising her from her knees, and seating her at his right hand.

In all that was pure, in all that was true, in all that was noble and magnanimous, Isabella, in private life, was a witness unto her people. No calumny of any kind, even in a depraved age, was ever cast upon Isabella of Castile or upon any one of her royal children.

You can afford to be magnanimous to a rival, now that you're Terry's husband." Tabs stood with his hand held out. Braithwaite made no motion to accept it; and yet his expression was generous. "I can't shake your hand as Terry's husband, Lord Taborley. I'm not married to her." Lady Dawn sprang to her feet and came between the two tall men. "Not married to her! But you intend to marry her?

Another test and criterion by which Roland judged his claims to the character of a roarer, he found in the little black dog; for the Virginian was a devout believer, as we are ourselves, in that maxim of practical philosophers, namely, that by the dog you shall know the master, the one being fierce, magnanimous, and cowardly, just as his master is a bully, a gentleman, or a dastard.

In his hour of success he felt magnanimous towards Wayne, whom he really admired; magnanimous towards the King, off whom he had scored so publicly; and, above all, magnanimous towards Barker, who was the titular leader of this vast South Kensington army, which his own talent had evoked. "General Barker," he said, bowing, "do you propose now to receive the message from the besieged?"