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"/There/ first, and /next/ at the Tuileries," she said to des Lupeaulx, who was startled by the words and by the attitude of the speaker, so expressive were they of ambition and security. "Can it be that I am only a stepping-stone?" he asked himself.

I myself think it slow and insolent; it hampers ministerial action, stifles projects, and arrests progress. But, after all, French administration is amazingly useful." Baudoyer. "Certainly!" Des Lupeaulx. "If only to maintain the paper and stamp industries! Suppose it is rather fussy and provoking, like all good housekeepers, it can at any moment render an account of its disbursements.

If the section on the censorship so foolishly introduced into the new charter had been omitted, journalism also would have had its Saint-Merri. The younger Branch could have legally carried out Charles X.'s plan. "Remain where you are, head of a bureau under Baudoyer," went on des Lupeaulx.

"I come from the Prince," replied the Count, in a low voice. "You have carte blanche if you can only get the letters Madame de Serizy's, Madame de Maufrigneuse's and Mademoiselle Clotilde de Grandlieu's. You may come to some arrangement with this gentleman " "Who is he?" asked Monsieur de Granville, in a whisper. "There are no secrets between you and me, my dear sir," said des Lupeaulx.

"Well, then, say /Baudoyer/ to the court and clergy, to divert suspicion and put them to sleep, and then, at the last moment, write /Rabourdin/." "There are some women who say /yes/ as long as they need a man, and /no/ when he has played his part," returned des Lupeaulx, significantly. "I know they do," she answered, laughing; "but they are very foolish, for in politics everything recommences.

Thus, when it was necessary to cross the ditch between the Empire and the Restoration, at a time when every one was looking about for planks, and the curs of the Empire were howling their devotion right and left, des Lupeaulx borrowed large sums from the usurers and crossed the frontier.

For his misfortune, he fell in with a set of roues, with de Marsay, de Ronquerolles, Maxime de Trailles, des Lupeaulx, Rastignac, Ajuda-Pinto, Beaudenord, de la Roche-Hugon, de Manerville, and the Vandenesses, whom he met wherever he went, and a great many houses were open to a young man with his ancient name and reputation for wealth.

"My uncle Bidault and Monsieur Gobseck helped in him 1814," thought she. "Is he in debt?" she asked, aloud. "Yes," cried the cashier with a hissing and prolonged sound on the last letter; "his salary was attached, but some of the higher powers released it by a bill at sight." "Where is the des Lupeaulx estate?"

I should be very paltry indeed if I were personally offended by such speeches. After all, it is for us and not for others to make us great." "You are appointed, dear," cried Celestine, pressing her husband's hand as they drove away. "If it had not been for des Lupeaulx I should have explained your scheme to his Excellency.

A belief in his capacity had taken such deep root in all minds that the more ambitious public men felt it was necessary to compromise des Lupeaulx in some way to prevent his rising higher; they made up to him for his subordinate public position by their secret confidence. Nevertheless, feeling that such men were dependent on him, this gleaner of ideas exacted certain dues.